Sebelum melangkah untuk melakukan perubahan dalam usaha menyebenyeberangi kesenjangan sebagai suatu tindakan proaktif dalam menanggapi dampak lingkungan yang bergerak begitu cepat dan perubahan faktor internal dalam kesiapan untuk terus meremajakan suatu oraganisasi kedalam daur yang prima dalam arti organisasi yang fleksibel dan mudah dikontrol, maka diperlukan adanya pemahaman atas lapisan perubahan itu sendiri.
Lapisan perubahan adalah sasaran yang hendak dituju dari cara berpikir lama menuju berpikir baru seperti menyelesaikan masalah menjadi menghindari masalah. Sejalan dengan itu, maka pendekatannya dapat dilihat dari sudut hakekat segera atau sulit diselesaikan artinya dikelompokkan kedalam lapisan budaya, lapisan infrastruktur dan lapisan teknis; dilihat dari sudut intervensi kedalam perubahan artinya dikelompokkan kedalam tingkat korporate, tingkat bisnis unit, tingkat atar kelompok dan tingkat individu; dan dilihat dari sistem dalam pengelolaan organisasi artinya dikelompokkan kedalam sistem teknik, sistem sosial, sistem administrasi dan sistem strategis.
Apapun pendekatan yang dipilih dalam merumuskan rencana perubahan yang berencana dan sistematik pada umumnya dilakukan secara bertahap artinya membutuhkan waktu, oleh karena itu komitmen pimpinan puncak haruslah konsisten dalam melaksanakan rumusan-rumusan yang telah ditetapkan sejalan atas kapabilitas yang baru sebelum ditransfomasikan.
Dalam uraian-uraian selanjutnya akan dibahas berdasarkan pendekatan dilihat dari sudut hakekat segera atau sulitnya tahap-tahap dalam penyelesaian atas perubahan yang ditetapkan.
Aspek perubahan budaya merupakan lapisan yang paling sulit untuk dilakukan perubahan karena menyangkut sikap dan perilaku manusia, apakah ia sebagai individu dan atau ia berada dalam kelompok.
Perubahan budaya akan menyangkut hal-hal yang terkait atas norma, nilai, wewenang dan ganjar. Kesulitan akan terletak kepada kebiasaan individu yang dalam perjalanan hidupnya sangat mengagungkan konsepsi materialistis, sehingga mereka terjebak dalam memanfaatkan otak dalam berpikir untuk melepaskan diri dari dari kebiasaan kiblat kepada manusia yang akan mendorongkannya untuk bersikap dan berperilaku kedalam pola berpikir yang tidak objektif.
Sebelum kita melangkah untuk merancang dan melaksanakan perubahan, perlu kita ungkapkan sebab-sebab utamanya, mengapa individu berpikir kiblat kepada manusia dan tidak berkiblat kepada prestasi :
1) Kekurangan tindakan berdampak memperkuat yang positip artinya sering kita lupakan bahwa setiap daya upaya yang dilakukan individu dan atau kelompok kurang diakui dan dihargai. Dalam situasi demikian, manusia cenderung untuk mencari pembaharuan untuk mendapatkan penghargaan yang mereka butuhkan.
2) Pengaruh tindakan berdampak membuat yang negatip artinya tindakan dapat berbentuk “prestasi dan atau dalih”. Tindakan dalih merupakan tindakan negatip yang mungkin dapat mengakibatkan pengaruh-pengaruh psikologis dan fisik yang tidak diharapkan.
3) Umpan dari kepuasaan yang meningkat artinya prospek dari kepuasan dapat juga mengakibatkan satu sistem untuk berubah, yang berdampak menjadi ketidak puasan karena ketidak mampuan dalam mewujudkan apa yang dinyatakan.
4) Pencarian satu balance yang lebih baik artinya memukul satu keseimbangan antara realita dengan potensialitas karena manusia selalu mencari dan mencari agar dapat menjadi apa saja yang mereka inginkan.
Bertolak dari pemahaman diatas, maka merancang dan melaksakan perubahan seperti budaya oraganisasi, kekuasaan politik, sistem keyakinan individu, dan sebagainya maka mengatur perubahan dalam pergerakan diperlukan mekanisme-mekanisme yang dapat menyuluh satu cara berbeda untuk memandang berbagai hal kedalam satu cara penyelidikan dan identifikasi untuk mendukung keberhasilan perubahan secara menyeluruh.
Merupakan salah satu faktor penentu yang membentuk sikap dan perilaku manajemen dan oleh karena itu ia dapat dilihat dari dua sudut, pertama sesuatu yang kurang dapat dilihat karena budaya mencakup nilai, norma, wewenang dan ganjar, khususnya mengenai nilai yang dianut sangat sulit untuk dirumuskan, sedangkan kedua pada tingkat yang lebih terlihat, budaya menggambarkan pola atau gaya perilaku suatu organisasi, yang dapat menjadi pendorong untuk diikuti oleh mereka dalam kelompok. Jadi individu dan kelompok memiliki suatu sistem kebersamaan dalam memandang barang, dalam berkata-kata, dalam me-ngerjakan dan dalam merasakan.
Merupakan salah satu faktor penentu dalam memainkan peran seorang pemimpin dalam berurusan dengan orang lain. Implementasi dari kekuasaan haruslah sejalan dengan tanggung jawab, wewenang, pengetahuan dan informasi, umpan balik pengakuan, kepercayaan, penghargaan, keberhasilan dan standard-standard profesional untuk mendukung agar kekuasaan politik yang dimiliki secara formal berlandaskan percaya diri dan kearifan.
Merupakan faktor penentu yang ditunjukkan dalam bersikap dan berperilaku bahwa dengan suatu keyakinan sebagai model mental yang ditunjukkan olehnya pada setiap bertindak. Dengan keyakinan itu pula ia melaksanakan kerja dengan aturan yang ada sesuai dengan situasi, perlindungan, penting keuntungan jangka pendek, mengakui hak orang lain serta ide-die baru dalam pemecahan.
Aspek perubahan infrastruktur merupakan sesuatu yang mendekati sesuatu yang dapat dipredeksi kebutuhan atas perubahannya karena ia akan mempengaruhi atas pelaksanaan tindakan operasional.
Perubahan infrastruktur yang mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku indvidu dan kelompok akan sangat menentukan keberhasilan operasional, haruslah sejalan dengan perubahan teknis / phisik yang direncanakan dan oleh karena itu diperlukan seperangkat keterampilan baru, dukungan manajerial, insentip yang cukup, dan umpan balik agar mereka tidak terjebak dengan cara lama yang akan berdampak iklim kerja yang tidak memuaskan.
Perubahan tersebut dapat mencakup perubahan-perubahan atas struktur penghargaan, sistem penilaian dan metoda manajemen.
Pada umumnya suatu organisasi hanya bertolak untuk meningkatkan motivasi berdasarkan pendekatan imbal jasa finasial, sedangkan kita pahami bahwa motivasi merupakan hal yang komplek dalam usaha meningkatkan kinerja.
Merupakan faktor sebagai bagian yang komplek untuk menggerakkan motivasi agar individu dan kelompok terangsang untuk mengembangkan kreatif dan imajinasi dalam memberikan konstribusi keberhasilan.
Dengan adanya pekerjaan yang menantang dan menarik serta dorongan struktur penghargaan yang jelas dapat menimbulkan peningkatan produktivitas (efisien, efektip dan mutu). Bentuk struktur penghargaan dapat informal dan formal.
Merupakan langkah yang terkait dengan peningkatan perbaikan kinerja yang berkesinambungan bukan suatu kegiatan tahunan, sehingga termasuk kegiatan operasional yang dilakukan oleh pimpinan terhadap bawahannya. Penilaian haruslah dilakukan secara komperhesip artinya dapat dilihat dari pencapaian tujuan dan dari kompetensi.
Mencakup hal-hal yang terkait atas aplikasi teknik dan praktek yang dipergunakan untuk mengawasi, mengembangkan dan dukungan kepada individu dan kelompok dalam semua kegiatan yang dilaksanakan sebagai proses dalam menjalankan usaha agar dapat diwujudkan prestasi yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.
Pada lapisan ini merupakan suatu tingkat yang lebih nyata dan mudah berubah, namun keberhasilan perubahan akan sangat ditentukan oleh keberhasilan dalam perubahan atas lapisan infrastruktur dan budaya organisasi.
Walaupun sesuatu yang nyata dan mudah untuk dilaksanakan perubahan, namun harus dilihat sesuatunya secara fokus, tanpa menaruh perhatian yang terarah dan mendalam dalam memandang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam mengadaptasi akan berdampak kegagalam dalam melaksanakan perubahan itu sendiri. Usaha untuk memfokuskan dapat kita kelompokkan kedalam struktur proses, struktur teknologi dan struktur organisasi dalam melaksanakan perubahan.
Dimaksudkan mengenai apa, bilamana dan bagaimana suatu pekerjaan untuk dilaksanakan. Oleh karena itu akan bergantung atas dukungan yang terkait dengan proses bisnis dan hasilnya itu sendiri serta kebijakan, praktek dan prosedur-prosedur yang ditetapkan. Selanjutnya proses itu dapat dikelompokkan kedalam aliran kerja, aliran informasi dan aliran waktu, yang kesmuanya memperlihatkan saling ketergantungannya satu sama lain.
Harus dilihat dari sudut penerapan dari pengetahuan-pengetahuan ilimiah atau pengetahuan yang teratur untuk tugas-tugas yang praktis. Akibatnya yang terpenting, paling tidak dari segi ekonomi. Dalam struktur ini terdiri dari komunikasi otomatis, jaringan kerja, sistem komputer yang dipergunakan untuk mendukung struktur proses, termasuk didalamnya data, aplikasi, komunikasi, dan segala sesuatu yang terkait dengan teknologi. Jadi pemanfaatan aplikasi dari teknologi haruslah dilihat dari sisi intergrasi kompeten dari teknologi dengan proses-proses kerja.
Harus dipandang sebagai alat untuk menunjukkan siapa yang melaksanakan, mengelola dan bertanggungjawab atas setiap proses bisnis. Jadi organisasi mencakup hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan struktur pekerjaan, pelaporan dan hubungan kelompok kerja, pertanggungan jawaban, konten pekerjaan dan keterampilan / pengetahuan yang diperlukan. Kesemuanya akan terjadi kesenjangan bila proses dan struktur organisasi keluar dari garis yang telah ditetapkan.
Meremajakan perubahan merupakan langkah untuk memperbaiki yang bermakna dengan mengubah artinya usaha mencapai kesempurnaan sama dengan sering melakukan perubahan.
Jadi ungkapan diatas sekaligus menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada yang permanen kecuali perubahan itu sendiri. Dengan demikian ungkapan tersebut menjadi daya dorong untuk memanfaatkan pikiran dalam melaksanakan, apa yang disebut dengan perubahan yang berlanjut.
Perubahan yang berlanjut menuntut suatu struktur yang fleksibel dan mudah dikontrol kecuali organisasi berbentuk cerobong karena sifat fungsional dan hierarkisnya akan sangat sulit untuk melakukannya.
Kita menyadari bahwa gelombang perubahan itu selalu ada dan bergerak dengan cepat dan multikomplek, menuntut kita bersikap proaktif dan berperilaku antisipatip untuk dapat menuntun kita berada di garis depan sebagai suatu langkah untuk tetap kita melaksanakan peremajaan perubahan artinya adanya tindakan perubahan yang berlanjut.
Umpan balik merupakan langkah awal dalam kita mengamati situasi dimana organisasi erat hubungannya dengan pelanggan dan lingkungan pesaingnya, oleh karena itu umpan balik perlu diciptakan suatu iklim dimana peran individu yang terdepan diberi kekuasaan dan wewenang untuk bertindak dalam struktur yang fleksibel dan mudah dikontrol dalam kerangka memuas-kan kepentingan stakeholders, khususnya pelanggan.
Umpan balik dari satu kegiatan perubahan berlanjut haruslah dimulai adanya peningkatan dan atribut individual yang memiliki kemampuan yang beroperasi dalam tim artinya memiliki kemampuan menguasai agar ia mampu memainkan peran sebagai tim dan melaksanakan sesuai dengan metodelogi dalam perubahan yang berlanjut.
Dengan demikian bahwa perbedaan pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap dan penguasaan lapangan menuntut individu dalam kelompok saling belajar dan mengajar karena memiliki kemampuan untuk mendengar orang lain, menghapusan gagasan / ide dan praktek yang tidak dinginkan dan berkerja secara sistimatis.
Dengan penguasaan pengetahuan dari pengalaman diatas, maka umpan balik yang termasuk dalam kerangka kegiatan pemantauan sebagai proses akan memainkan peranan penting dalam tim untuk memberitahukan kebutuhan atas perubahan apa yang akan diinginkan.
Bertolak dari hasil pemantauan atas umpan balik, maka dibuatlah rencana sebagai langkah penyesuaian berdasarkan kebutuhan perubahan dan berusaha menghindari langkah-langkah hasil kompromi serta mampu melahirkan momentum dan iklim yang postip untuk suatu perubahan.
Bertolak dari rencana penyesuaian, maka dibuatlah langkah pelaksanaan dalam kerangka perubahan yang berkelanjutan sebagai kerangka dari proses perbaikan apa yang dinginkan.
Jadi perubahan bukan terjadi sekali saja, oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya keuletan yang dijanjikan artinya selalu siap akan adanya reaksi dan tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan baik dari anggota tim yang merasa tidak puas maupun diluar anggota tim, namun dengan adanya keuletan dan keyakinan atas umpan balik dan penyesuaian yang diketahui apa yang diinginkan, maka perubahan berlanjut akan tumbuh dan tetap utuh sebagai metodelogi perubahan melalui suatu proses dari membuat rencana, melaksanakan, memantau, tingkatkan, sesuaikan atas kebutuhan apa yang diinginkan.
1) CEO meyakini bahwa pembaharuan dengan perubahan berencana merupakan tuntutan dalam memasuki abad 21, sehingga diperlukan perhatian yang serius atas integrasi bisnis dan pengembangan manajemen kedalam tiga unsur yang saling terkait yaitu organisasi, waktu dan materi.
2) CEO meyakini dalam memasuki abad 21, ditandai akan paradigma atas tiga kunci keberhasilan yang disebut dengan antisipasi, inovasi dan keunggulan.
3) CEO meyakini bahwa hanya ada satu interpretasi tentang kebijaksanaan pintu terbuka bagi kepemimpinan manajer, pengikut dan karyawan untuk menumbuh kembangkan kreativitas bisnis (berpikir kreatif dalam berbisnis) untuk meniupkan angin perubahan berarti lawan dari pikiran yang tertutup.
4) CEO meyakini dapat membangun tim kepemimpinan yang positip, memperoleh komitmen untuk mencapai tujuan yang posotip, memperoleh komitmen untuk mencapai tujuan yang posotip, memiliki para pelaksana yang positip, meyakini orang untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang positip, membangun reputasi yang posotip, memperoleh hasil yang positip.
5) CEO meyakini untuk mengelola budaya perusahaan menjadi tanggung jawab bersama walaupun dalam kenyataan adannya keragaman budaya dilingkungan kerja.
6) CEO meyakini bahwa dalam melaksanakan pengembangan sumber daya manusia sebaiknya dimulai dari penilaian strategis terhadap kondisi yang ada:
Perubahan keahlian dan kompetensi apa yang diperlukan untuk memperbaiki kinerja setiap individu?
Apa kekurangan tertentu dalam kinerja yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus?
Perubahan teknologi, proses produksi dan budaya perusahaan apa ayng sangat tergantung pada pengetahuan baru karyawan?
7) CEO meyakini bahwa masalah yang dihadapai dalam abad ke 21 lebih memfokuskan untuk merangsang lahirnya terobosan cara berpikir melalui integrasi strategi manajegen kedalam strategi perusahaan dalam menghada-pi tantangan masa depan untuk memaksimumkan peluang meraih kesuk-sesan.
Komitmen adalah wujud KEBERSAMAAN dalam mengkomu-nikasikan suara hati kepada ORANG lain dalam MEMAHAMI yang berdasarkan INTELEGENSI agar dapat mengatualisasikan secara TASAMUH dengan sikap mental positip untuk bertindak secara ELEKTIS yang berdasarkan kemampuan NALAR yang dalam menghadapi perubahan.
Komitmen lebih menekankan bukti tindakan bukan kata-kata.
Komitmen menginginkan iklim yang luwes tapi mudah mengontrol dalam memberikan saling hormat menghormati.
Komitmen tidak bisa dipaksakan oleh perusahaan.
Komitmen adannya kemauan pengorbanan pribadi.
Komitmen mengandung pemusatan dalam melakukan pekerjaan
Komitmen mengandung usaha orang untuk berusaha mengem-bangkan inisiatif dan bersedia memberikan pertanggung jawaban.
Komitmen membutuhkan keberanian dan mengandung resiko.
Membangun kelompok kerja tim yang memiliki kompetensi sesuai dengan peran pelaku yang dapat diberikan dalam kerja tim melalui aktivitas:
Menyeleksi dan menetapkan pilihan dalam penerimaan anggota tim.
Menyelaraskan kebutuhan lingkungan kerja.
Membangun suatu kebersamaan dalam komitmen.
Membangun metedologi kolaborasi.
Membangun dan mempertahankan kelompok kerja tim yang tangguh dalam merubah pola pikir yang sesuai dengan kebutuh-an perubahan lingkungan:
Menyelesaikan proses pembentukan kelompok tim.
Menyelesaikan rincian tugas, tanggungjawab dan hubungan kolaboratif.
Menjabarkan komitmen menjadi harapan-harapan yang nyata.
Menjabarkan harapan-harapan kedalam tindakan.
Visi adalah suatu pernyataan yang akan memandu organisasi dalam memberikan perhatian untuk memenuhi kepentingan stakeholder melalui artikulasi citra, nilai dan arah untuk memenuhi harapan masa depan sesuai dengan tuntutan perubahan zaman.
Nilai adalah menyatakan keyakinan-keyakinan dasar bahwa “suatu modus (cara) perilaku atau keadaan akhir dari ekstensi yang khas lebih dapat disukai secara pribadi atau social dari pada suatu modus perilaku atau keadaan akhir ekstensi yang berlawanan atau kebalikannya”. Nilai mengandung suatu unsure pertimbangan dalam arti nilai mengembangagasan-gagasan seorang individu mengenai apa yang benar, baik atau diinginkan.
Arahan adalah suatu peryataan-pernyataan dengan misi, tujuan, sasaran, strategi dan kebijaksanaan.
Prinsip-prinsip mengandung arti sebagai suatu azas-azas yang dapat diterima baik oleh organisasi maupun individu sebagai petunjuk atau arahan.
Membangun kapabilitas anggota tim:
Menyamakan persepsi CEO dengan ANGGOTA TIM mengenai pembaha-ruan.
Melatih tim dalam mempergunakan teknik-teknik manajemen.
Menyiapkan rancangan awal pembaharuan oleh TIM.
Membahas dan pengesyahan oleh CEO rencana perubahan menyeluruh.
Mengidentifikasi kompetensi utama organisasi.
Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor lingkungan internal dan eksternal
Merumuskan keputusan-keputusan manajemen strategic.
Membangun prinsip-prinsip dasar:
Merumuskan proses mekanisme pelayanan.
Merumuskan proses pengelolaan sumber daya manusia dan kolaborasi.
Merumuskan proses pemanfaatan teknologi informasi.
Merancang perubahan adalah merencanakan perubahan yang akan dilaksanakan secara berencana dan dilaksanakan secara sistematik yang berkaitan dengan dimensi rekayasa bisnis, meliputi apa yang disebut pada PHYSICAL TECHNICAL LAYER (struktur proses, struktur teknologi, struktur organisasi), INFRASTRUCTURE LAYER (struktur reward, system manajemen, metoda manajemen), VALUE LAYER (budaya organisasi, kekuasaan politik, system keyakinan individu).
Mengembangkan cara mengadopsi yang sedang berjalan baik.
Menyempurnakan dan melaksanakan praktek yang terbaik.
Menciptakan proses yang baru.
Mengidentivikasi proses-proses bisnis yang sedang berjalan:
Menentukan prosees-proses bisnis yang kritis.
Mengukur proses-proses yang kritis.
Proses performansi dasar.
Identifikasi peluang-peluang dan proses-proses yang akan direkayasa.
Membangun lingkup proyek pemetaan proses meliputi aktivitas ayng akan dilakukan, bagaimana aktivitas itu dilakukan, bagaimana aktivitas itu akan dilakukan, bagaimana aliran kerjannya, berapa banyak waktu dihabiskan selama dan antara beragam aktivitas tersebut, bidang-bidang mana dari organisasi yang akan bertanggung jawab atas beragam aktivitas tersebut, bagaimana teknologi informasi akan digunakan.
Pemetaan aktivitas perusahaan.
Pemetaan aktivitas inti yang penting mencakup aktivitas operasional.
Pemetaan aktivitas inti yang utama.
Pemetaan aktivitas proses yang mendasar.
Memetakan dan menganalisa proses-proses :
Menggambarkan proses kedalam suatu flowchart.
Menggambarkan proses kedalam flow diagram yang terintegrasi
Menyelesaikan kertas kerja pemetaan proses.
Menyelesaikan analisis hambatan proses.
Menyelesaikan analisis factor budaya.
Menciptakan proses sesuai dengan tuntutan perubahan dan menguji proses yang dirancang :
Menggambarkan proses-proses ayng ideal secara tertulis.
Membandingkan proses yang ideal dengan proses yang sedang berjalan.
Menilai penyimpangan.
Menyempurnakan proses yang dirancang.
Mendapatkan pengesyahan dari stakeholders
Mentranformasikan adalah kesungguhan untuk melaksanakan perubahan dengan interverensi dengan kemampuan sumberdaya manusia internal dengan tugas yang beresiko dan komplek atas dasar komitmen yang kuat bagi semua pihak yang terkait.
Kedalam kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan ENTERPRISE level
Kedalam kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan OPERATION level
Kedalam kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan BUSINESS level
Membangun suatu struktur yang fleksibel dan mudah dikontrol melalui bentuk yang ramping, lebih datar dan lebih gesit dengan memperhatikan bahwa manusia akan terus belajar, mampu mengambil keputusan senditi dan keandalan:
Merancang organisasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan perubahan.
Mengandakan penilaian secara menyeluruh atas aktivitas organisasi.
Melaksanakan transformasi dengan kesiapan sumberdaya manusia yang siap melaksanakan perubahan.
Agar transformasi berjalan lancar untuk dapat mendukung organisasi yang effektif diperlukan penyesuaian atasmetode, system dan prosedur yang effesien dan effektif.
Metode, system dan prosedur baru yang akan diterapkan mampu memotivasi karyawan dalam menjalankan perannya.
Metode, system dan prosedur yang akan diterapkan sejalan dengan teknologi informasi.
Agar tranformasi dapat mengimplementasikan proses sesuai dengan yang dirancang untuk mewujudkan tingkat performasi, produktivitas, akuntabili-tas dan kepemimpinan kolaborasi masa depan lebih baik dari masa kini diperlukan pengelolaan perubahan dan kecepatan perubahan.
Mengefektifkan komunikasi CEO dan STAFF.
Melaksanakan pendidikan dan pelatihan yang konsisten.
Meningkatkan budaya kreativitas menjadi inovasi dan komit-men untuk berubah.
Memantau perubahan adalah melaksanakan evaluasi apakah pelaksanaan perubahan yang direncanakan telah memenuhi harapan dan terus ditingkatkan dan dimodifikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang digerakkan secara terus menerus dalam usaha mencari visi dan misi yang telah digariskan.
Menyempurnakan proses yang dirancang setelah diimplementasikan.
Menyempurnakan dari hasil kajian.
Menyelaraskan dengan visi dan misi yang digariskan.
Perbaikan menyeluruh dalam rangka meraih peluang organisasi
Mengevaluasi diri dalam kesempatann untuk perbaikan.
Evaluasi bertitik tolak peningkatan performansi, produktivitas, akuntabilit-as dan kepemimpinan kolaborasi.
Melaksanakan perbaikan yang meliputi praktek manajemen, effektivitas organisasi dan pemberdayaan sumber daya.
Perbaikan rencana jangka panjang sesuai dengan dasar perencanaan dan mentransfer pembelanjaran yang didapat:
Menyelaraskan rencana jangka pendek terhadap jangka panjang.
Menumbuhkan komitmen untuk mentransfer dari hasil pemelajaran kedalam internal organisasi.
Memberikan informasi dari hasil pemelajaran kepada pelanggan, pemasok, mitra bisnis dan pihak-pihak lain yang berkepentingan.
Memancing masukan sehubungan denga pertukaran infromasi menuju ke sinergi kesempurnaan operasi yang lebih besar dan keunggulan kompetitip yang lebih baik.
Blog ini merupakan coretan dari berbagai permasalahan baik tentang iman, pandangan hidup, kumpulan bahan perkuliahan, masalah kesehatan dan masalah-masalah lain dalam kehidupan manusia. Blog ini hanyalah sebuah media untuk sharing tentang berbagai hal.
“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”(Dr. Seuss)
Senin, 30 Agustus 2010
Pengertian Budaya Organisasi
Dalam kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari tidak terlepas dari ikatan budaya yang diciptakan. Ikatan budaya tercipta oleh masyarakat yang bersangkutan, baik dalam keluarga, organisasi, bisnis maupun bangsa. Budaya membedakan masyarakat satu dengan yang lain dalam cara berinteraksi dan bertindak menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan. Budaya mengikat anggota kelompok masyarakat menjadi satu kesatuan pandangan yang menciptakan keseragaman berperilaku atau bertindak. Seiring dengan bergulirnya waktu, budaya pasti terbentuk dalam organisasi dan dapat pula dirasakan manfaatnya dalam memberi kontribusi bagi efektivitas organisasi secara keseluruhan.
Berikut ini dikemukakan beberapa pengertian budaya organisasi menurut beberapa ahli :
a. Menurut Wood, Wallace, Zeffane, Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn (2001:391), budaya organisasi adalah sistem yang dipercayai dan nilai yang dikembangkan oleh organisasi dimana hal itu menuntun perilaku dari anggota organisasi itu sendiri.
b. Menurut Tosi, Rizzo, Carroll seperti yang dikutip oleh Munandar (2001:263), budaya organisasi adalah cara-cara berpikir, berperasaan dan bereaksi berdasarkan pola-pola tertentu yang ada dalam organisasi atau yang ada pada bagian-bagian organisasi.
c. Menurut Robbins (1996:289), budaya organisasi adalah suatu persepsi bersama yang dianut oleh anggota-anggota organisasi itu.
d. Menurut Schein (1992:12), budaya organisasi adalah pola dasar yang diterima oleh organisasi untuk bertindak dan memecahkan masalah, membentuk karyawan yang mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan mempersatukan anggota-anggota organisasi. Untuk itu harus diajarkan kepada anggota termasuk anggota yang baru sebagai suatu cara yang benar dalam mengkaji, berpikir dan merasakan masalah yang dihadapi.
e. Menurut Cushway dan Lodge (GE : 2000), budaya organisasi merupakan sistem nilai organisasi dan akan mempengaruhi cara pekerjaan dilakukan dan cara para karyawan berperilaku. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang dimaksud dengan budaya organisasi dalam
penelitian ini adalah sistem nilai organisasi yang dianut oleh anggota organisasi, yang kemudian mempengaruhi cara bekerja dan berperilaku dari para anggota organisasi.
Sumber-sumber Budaya Organisasi
Menurut Tosi, Rizzo, Carrol seperti yang dikutip oleh Munandar (2001:264), budaya organisasi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu:
1. Pengaruh umum dari luar yang luas
Mencakup faktor-faktor yang tidak dapat dikendalikan atau hanya sedikit dapat dikendalikan oleh organisasi.
2. Pengaruh dari nilai-nilai yang ada di masyarakat
Keyakinan-keyakinan dn nilai-nilai yang dominan dari masyarakat luas misalnya kesopansantunan dan kebersihan.
3. Faktor-faktor yang spesifik dari organisasi
Organisasi selalu berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya. Dalam mengatasi baik masalah eksternal maupun internal organisasi akan mendapatkan penyelesaian-penyelesaian yang berhasil. Keberhasilan mengatasi berbagai masalah tersebut merupakan dasar bagi tumbuhnya budaya organisasi.
Fungsi Budaya Organisasi
Menurut Robbins (1996 : 294), fungsi budaya organisasi sebagai berikut :
a. Budaya menciptakan pembedaan yang jelas antara satu organisasi dan yang lain.
b. Budaya membawa suatu rasa identitas bagi anggota-anggota organisasi.
c. Budaya mempermudah timbulnya komitmen pada sesuatu yang lebih luas daripada kepentingan diri individual seseorang.
d. Budaya merupakan perekat sosial yang membantu mempersatukan organisasi itu dengan memberikan standar-standar yang tepat untuk dilakukan oleh karyawan.
e. Budaya sebagai mekanisme pembuat makna dan kendali yang memandu dan membentuk sikap serta perilaku karyawan.
Ciri-ciri Budaya Organisasi
Menurut Robbins (1996:289), ada 7 ciri-ciri budaya organisasi adalah:
1. Inovasi dan pengambilan resiko. Sejauh mana karyawan didukung untuk menjadi inovatif dan mengambil resiko.
2. Perhatian terhadap detail. Sejauh mana karyawan diharapkan menunjukkan kecermatan, analisis dan perhatian terhadap detail.
3. Orientasi hasil. Sejauh mana manajemen memfokus pada hasil bukannya pada teknik dan proses yang digunakan untuk mencapai hasil tersebut.
4. Orientasi orang. Sejauh mana keputusan manajemen memperhitungkan efek pada orang-orang di dalam organisasi itu.
5. Orientasi tim. Sejauh mana kegiatan kerja diorganisasikan sekitar tim-tim, ukannya individu.
6. Keagresifan. Berkaitan dengan agresivitas karyawan.
7. Kemantapan. Organisasi menekankan dipertahankannya budaya organisasi yang sudah baik.
Dengan menilai organisasi itu berdasarkan tujuh karakteristik ini, akan diperoleh gambaran majemuk dari budaya organisasi itu. Gambaran ini menjadi dasar untuk perasaan pemahaman bersama yang dimiliki para anggota mengenai organisasi itu, bagaimana urusan diselesaikan di dalamnya, dan cara para anggota berperilaku (Robbins, 1996 : 289).
Tipologi Budaya
Menurut Sonnenfeld dari Universitas Emory (Robbins, 1996 :290-291), ada empat tipe budaya organisasi :
1. Akademi
Perusahaan suka merekrut para lulusan muda universitas, memberi mereka pelatihan istimewa, dan kemudian mengoperasikan mereka dalam suatu fungsi yang khusus. Perusahaan lebih menyukai karyawan yang lebih cermat, teliti, dan mendetail dalam menghadapi dan memecahkan suatu masalah.
2. Kelab
Perusahaan lebih condong ke arah orientasi orang dan orientasi tim dimana perusahaan memberi nilai tinggi pada karyawan yang dapat menyesuaikan diri dalam sistem organisasi. Perusahaan juga menyukai karyawan yang setia dan mempunyai komitmen yang tinggi serta mengutamakan kerja sama tim.
3. Tim Bisbol
Perusahaan berorientasi bagi para pengambil resiko dan inovator, perusahaan juga berorientasi pada hasil yang dicapai oleh karyawan, perusahaan juga lebih menyukai karyawan yang agresif. Perusahaan cenderung untuk mencari orang-orang berbakat dari segala usia dan pengalaman, perusahaan juga menawarkan insentif finansial yang sangat
besar dan kebebasan besar bagi mereka yang sangat berprestasi.
4. Benteng
Perusahaan condong untuk mempertahankan budaya yang sudah baik. Menurut Sonnenfield banyak perusahaan tidak dapat dengan rapi dikategorikan dalam salah satu dari empat kategori karena merek memiliki suatu paduan budaya atau karena perusahaan berada dalam masa peralihan.
Sumber : jurnal-sdm.blogspot.com
Berikut ini dikemukakan beberapa pengertian budaya organisasi menurut beberapa ahli :
a. Menurut Wood, Wallace, Zeffane, Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn (2001:391), budaya organisasi adalah sistem yang dipercayai dan nilai yang dikembangkan oleh organisasi dimana hal itu menuntun perilaku dari anggota organisasi itu sendiri.
b. Menurut Tosi, Rizzo, Carroll seperti yang dikutip oleh Munandar (2001:263), budaya organisasi adalah cara-cara berpikir, berperasaan dan bereaksi berdasarkan pola-pola tertentu yang ada dalam organisasi atau yang ada pada bagian-bagian organisasi.
c. Menurut Robbins (1996:289), budaya organisasi adalah suatu persepsi bersama yang dianut oleh anggota-anggota organisasi itu.
d. Menurut Schein (1992:12), budaya organisasi adalah pola dasar yang diterima oleh organisasi untuk bertindak dan memecahkan masalah, membentuk karyawan yang mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan mempersatukan anggota-anggota organisasi. Untuk itu harus diajarkan kepada anggota termasuk anggota yang baru sebagai suatu cara yang benar dalam mengkaji, berpikir dan merasakan masalah yang dihadapi.
e. Menurut Cushway dan Lodge (GE : 2000), budaya organisasi merupakan sistem nilai organisasi dan akan mempengaruhi cara pekerjaan dilakukan dan cara para karyawan berperilaku. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang dimaksud dengan budaya organisasi dalam
penelitian ini adalah sistem nilai organisasi yang dianut oleh anggota organisasi, yang kemudian mempengaruhi cara bekerja dan berperilaku dari para anggota organisasi.
Sumber-sumber Budaya Organisasi
Menurut Tosi, Rizzo, Carrol seperti yang dikutip oleh Munandar (2001:264), budaya organisasi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu:
1. Pengaruh umum dari luar yang luas
Mencakup faktor-faktor yang tidak dapat dikendalikan atau hanya sedikit dapat dikendalikan oleh organisasi.
2. Pengaruh dari nilai-nilai yang ada di masyarakat
Keyakinan-keyakinan dn nilai-nilai yang dominan dari masyarakat luas misalnya kesopansantunan dan kebersihan.
3. Faktor-faktor yang spesifik dari organisasi
Organisasi selalu berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya. Dalam mengatasi baik masalah eksternal maupun internal organisasi akan mendapatkan penyelesaian-penyelesaian yang berhasil. Keberhasilan mengatasi berbagai masalah tersebut merupakan dasar bagi tumbuhnya budaya organisasi.
Fungsi Budaya Organisasi
Menurut Robbins (1996 : 294), fungsi budaya organisasi sebagai berikut :
a. Budaya menciptakan pembedaan yang jelas antara satu organisasi dan yang lain.
b. Budaya membawa suatu rasa identitas bagi anggota-anggota organisasi.
c. Budaya mempermudah timbulnya komitmen pada sesuatu yang lebih luas daripada kepentingan diri individual seseorang.
d. Budaya merupakan perekat sosial yang membantu mempersatukan organisasi itu dengan memberikan standar-standar yang tepat untuk dilakukan oleh karyawan.
e. Budaya sebagai mekanisme pembuat makna dan kendali yang memandu dan membentuk sikap serta perilaku karyawan.
Ciri-ciri Budaya Organisasi
Menurut Robbins (1996:289), ada 7 ciri-ciri budaya organisasi adalah:
1. Inovasi dan pengambilan resiko. Sejauh mana karyawan didukung untuk menjadi inovatif dan mengambil resiko.
2. Perhatian terhadap detail. Sejauh mana karyawan diharapkan menunjukkan kecermatan, analisis dan perhatian terhadap detail.
3. Orientasi hasil. Sejauh mana manajemen memfokus pada hasil bukannya pada teknik dan proses yang digunakan untuk mencapai hasil tersebut.
4. Orientasi orang. Sejauh mana keputusan manajemen memperhitungkan efek pada orang-orang di dalam organisasi itu.
5. Orientasi tim. Sejauh mana kegiatan kerja diorganisasikan sekitar tim-tim, ukannya individu.
6. Keagresifan. Berkaitan dengan agresivitas karyawan.
7. Kemantapan. Organisasi menekankan dipertahankannya budaya organisasi yang sudah baik.
Dengan menilai organisasi itu berdasarkan tujuh karakteristik ini, akan diperoleh gambaran majemuk dari budaya organisasi itu. Gambaran ini menjadi dasar untuk perasaan pemahaman bersama yang dimiliki para anggota mengenai organisasi itu, bagaimana urusan diselesaikan di dalamnya, dan cara para anggota berperilaku (Robbins, 1996 : 289).
Tipologi Budaya
Menurut Sonnenfeld dari Universitas Emory (Robbins, 1996 :290-291), ada empat tipe budaya organisasi :
1. Akademi
Perusahaan suka merekrut para lulusan muda universitas, memberi mereka pelatihan istimewa, dan kemudian mengoperasikan mereka dalam suatu fungsi yang khusus. Perusahaan lebih menyukai karyawan yang lebih cermat, teliti, dan mendetail dalam menghadapi dan memecahkan suatu masalah.
2. Kelab
Perusahaan lebih condong ke arah orientasi orang dan orientasi tim dimana perusahaan memberi nilai tinggi pada karyawan yang dapat menyesuaikan diri dalam sistem organisasi. Perusahaan juga menyukai karyawan yang setia dan mempunyai komitmen yang tinggi serta mengutamakan kerja sama tim.
3. Tim Bisbol
Perusahaan berorientasi bagi para pengambil resiko dan inovator, perusahaan juga berorientasi pada hasil yang dicapai oleh karyawan, perusahaan juga lebih menyukai karyawan yang agresif. Perusahaan cenderung untuk mencari orang-orang berbakat dari segala usia dan pengalaman, perusahaan juga menawarkan insentif finansial yang sangat
besar dan kebebasan besar bagi mereka yang sangat berprestasi.
4. Benteng
Perusahaan condong untuk mempertahankan budaya yang sudah baik. Menurut Sonnenfield banyak perusahaan tidak dapat dengan rapi dikategorikan dalam salah satu dari empat kategori karena merek memiliki suatu paduan budaya atau karena perusahaan berada dalam masa peralihan.
Sumber : jurnal-sdm.blogspot.com
Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010
Berhasil mengatasi masalah akan mengantarkan kita pada posisi yang bagus untuk mengatasi masalah berikutnya. Kesuksesan kita akan menjadi bekal yang sangat baik untuk mencapai kesuksesan-kesuksesan berikutnya.
Orang yang kaya menjadi lebih kaya bukan karena harta yang dimilikinya, namun karena arah yang benar dalam usaha dan kehidupannya; tindakan yang benar dalam langkah-langkahnya, sehingga kesuksesan itu akan muncul berulang-ulang.
Kalau dalam kehidupan, kita melihat yang kaya makin kaya, yang miskin makin miskin. Memang itu yang terjadi.
Sekarang lihatlah kehidupan kita. Apakah kita makin kaya atau makin miskin? Jika kita makin miskin, maka segeralah berbalik arah. Kita pasti melakukan kesalahan yang mungkin tidak kita sadari. Jika kita tetap menjalani apa yang kita lakukan sekarang ini, maka kemungkinan kita akan semakin terpuruk. Namun jika kita merasa makin kaya, maka melangkahlah makin cepat. Berlarilah! Karena arah Kita sudah benar.
Jika kita cenderung mengalami kemerosotan dalam taraf kehidupan, maka saatnya sekarang berbalik arah! Ubah arah kita karena itu tidak bisa ditawar-tawar lagi. Kita telah melakukan kesalahan!
Sekaranglah saatnya KITA berubah! Kemalasan kita ubah menjadi ketekunan. Kesombongan kita harus diubah menjadi keramahan.
Kesederhanaan kita dalam berpikir harus kita ubah dengan kreativitas yang genius. Kelalain Kita harus kita ubah dengan kewaspadaan yang tajam. Waktu kita harus diisi penuh dengan aktivitas, detik demi detik. Pikiran negatif kita harus diubah dengan pikiran positif.
Apakah mudah? Jangan bertanya lagi! Begitu kita ingat maka lakukan perubahan itu, terus menerus, hingga kita tidak akan merasakan itu, dan kita sudah berbalik arah.
Ya, sekaranglah saatnya kita banting setir!
Rasakan perubahan itu. Bila kehidupan kita sudah mulai membaik, maka semangati untuk melakukan lebih kencang, bergerak lebih cepat, berpikir lebih taktis dan lakukan terus hal-hal baik yang sudah membuat kehidupan kita menuju arah yang benar.
Ingat! Orang yang kaya semakin kaya, bukan karena dia memiliki harta lebih banyak, namun karena dia sudah berada diarah yang benar. Kesuksesan yang dia capai telah membuat efek domino untuk kesuksesan berikutnya!
Sumber :
Efek Domino Kesuksesan
(disadur dari Buku: Time To Change Hari Subagya)
Orang yang kaya menjadi lebih kaya bukan karena harta yang dimilikinya, namun karena arah yang benar dalam usaha dan kehidupannya; tindakan yang benar dalam langkah-langkahnya, sehingga kesuksesan itu akan muncul berulang-ulang.
Kalau dalam kehidupan, kita melihat yang kaya makin kaya, yang miskin makin miskin. Memang itu yang terjadi.
Sekarang lihatlah kehidupan kita. Apakah kita makin kaya atau makin miskin? Jika kita makin miskin, maka segeralah berbalik arah. Kita pasti melakukan kesalahan yang mungkin tidak kita sadari. Jika kita tetap menjalani apa yang kita lakukan sekarang ini, maka kemungkinan kita akan semakin terpuruk. Namun jika kita merasa makin kaya, maka melangkahlah makin cepat. Berlarilah! Karena arah Kita sudah benar.
Jika kita cenderung mengalami kemerosotan dalam taraf kehidupan, maka saatnya sekarang berbalik arah! Ubah arah kita karena itu tidak bisa ditawar-tawar lagi. Kita telah melakukan kesalahan!
Sekaranglah saatnya KITA berubah! Kemalasan kita ubah menjadi ketekunan. Kesombongan kita harus diubah menjadi keramahan.
Kesederhanaan kita dalam berpikir harus kita ubah dengan kreativitas yang genius. Kelalain Kita harus kita ubah dengan kewaspadaan yang tajam. Waktu kita harus diisi penuh dengan aktivitas, detik demi detik. Pikiran negatif kita harus diubah dengan pikiran positif.
Apakah mudah? Jangan bertanya lagi! Begitu kita ingat maka lakukan perubahan itu, terus menerus, hingga kita tidak akan merasakan itu, dan kita sudah berbalik arah.
Ya, sekaranglah saatnya kita banting setir!
Rasakan perubahan itu. Bila kehidupan kita sudah mulai membaik, maka semangati untuk melakukan lebih kencang, bergerak lebih cepat, berpikir lebih taktis dan lakukan terus hal-hal baik yang sudah membuat kehidupan kita menuju arah yang benar.
Ingat! Orang yang kaya semakin kaya, bukan karena dia memiliki harta lebih banyak, namun karena dia sudah berada diarah yang benar. Kesuksesan yang dia capai telah membuat efek domino untuk kesuksesan berikutnya!
Sumber :
Efek Domino Kesuksesan
(disadur dari Buku: Time To Change Hari Subagya)
Dia tidak meminta bayaran, namun menciptakan banyak.
Dia memperkaya meraka yang menerimanya, tanpa membuat melarat mereka yang memberinya.
Dia terjadi hanya sekejap namun kenangan tentangnya kadang-kadang bertahan selamanya.
Tak seorangpun yang meskipun kaya mampu bertahan tanpa dia, dan tak seorangpun yang begitu miskin tetap menjadi lebih kaya daripada manfaatnya.
Dia menciptakan kebahagian di rumah, mendukung niat baik dalam bisnis dan merupakan tanda balasan dari kawan-kawan.
Dia memberi istirahat untuk rasa lelah, sinar terang untuk rasa putus asa, sinar mentari bagi kesedihan dan penangkal alam bagi kesulitan.
Namun dia tidak bisa di beli, dimohon dipinjam atau dicuri karena dia adalah sesuatu yang tidak berguna sebelum di berikan pada orang lain.
Dan apabila pada menit terakhir kesibukan ... di mana sebagian pelayan penjual kami menjadi terlalu lelah untuk memberi Anda senyuman, bolehkah kami meminta Anda meninggalkan seulas senyuman Anda?
Karena tak seorangpun yang begitu yang lebih membutuhkan senyuman daripada mereka yang tidak punya lagi yang tersisa untuk diberikan!
Dia memperkaya meraka yang menerimanya, tanpa membuat melarat mereka yang memberinya.
Dia terjadi hanya sekejap namun kenangan tentangnya kadang-kadang bertahan selamanya.
Tak seorangpun yang meskipun kaya mampu bertahan tanpa dia, dan tak seorangpun yang begitu miskin tetap menjadi lebih kaya daripada manfaatnya.
Dia menciptakan kebahagian di rumah, mendukung niat baik dalam bisnis dan merupakan tanda balasan dari kawan-kawan.
Dia memberi istirahat untuk rasa lelah, sinar terang untuk rasa putus asa, sinar mentari bagi kesedihan dan penangkal alam bagi kesulitan.
Namun dia tidak bisa di beli, dimohon dipinjam atau dicuri karena dia adalah sesuatu yang tidak berguna sebelum di berikan pada orang lain.
Dan apabila pada menit terakhir kesibukan ... di mana sebagian pelayan penjual kami menjadi terlalu lelah untuk memberi Anda senyuman, bolehkah kami meminta Anda meninggalkan seulas senyuman Anda?
Karena tak seorangpun yang begitu yang lebih membutuhkan senyuman daripada mereka yang tidak punya lagi yang tersisa untuk diberikan!
Ketika kita bertemu orang yang tepat untuk dicintai, Ketika kita berada di tempat pada saat yang tepat, Itulah kesempatan. Ketika kita bertemu dengan seseorang yang membuatmu tertarik, Itu bukan pilihan, itu kesempatan.
Bertemu dalam suatu peristiwa bukanlah pilihan, Itupun adalah kesempatan.
Bila kita memutuskan untuk mencintai orang tersebut, Bahkan dengan segala kekurangannya, Itu bukan kesempatan, itu adalah pilihan.
Ketika kita memilih bersama dengan seseorang walaupun apapun yang terjadi, Itu adalah pilihan.
Bahkan ketika kita menyadari bahwa masih banyak orang lain Yang lebih menarik, lebih pandai, lebih kaya daripada pasanganmu
Dan tetap memilih untuk mencintainya, Itulah pilihan.
Perasaan cinta, simpatik, tertarik, Datang bagai kesempatan pada kita. Tetapi cinta sejati yang abadi adalah pilihan. Pilihan yang kita lakukan.
Kita mungkin kebetulan bertemu pasangan jiwa kita, Tetapi mencintai dan tetap bersama pasangan jiwa kita, Adalah pilihan yang harus kita lakukan.
Kita ada di dunia bukan untuk mencari seseorang yang sempurna untuk dicintai TETAPI untuk belajar mencintai orang yang tidak sempurna dengan cara yang sempurna.
Bertemu dalam suatu peristiwa bukanlah pilihan, Itupun adalah kesempatan.
Bila kita memutuskan untuk mencintai orang tersebut, Bahkan dengan segala kekurangannya, Itu bukan kesempatan, itu adalah pilihan.
Ketika kita memilih bersama dengan seseorang walaupun apapun yang terjadi, Itu adalah pilihan.
Bahkan ketika kita menyadari bahwa masih banyak orang lain Yang lebih menarik, lebih pandai, lebih kaya daripada pasanganmu
Dan tetap memilih untuk mencintainya, Itulah pilihan.
Perasaan cinta, simpatik, tertarik, Datang bagai kesempatan pada kita. Tetapi cinta sejati yang abadi adalah pilihan. Pilihan yang kita lakukan.
Kita mungkin kebetulan bertemu pasangan jiwa kita, Tetapi mencintai dan tetap bersama pasangan jiwa kita, Adalah pilihan yang harus kita lakukan.
Kita ada di dunia bukan untuk mencari seseorang yang sempurna untuk dicintai TETAPI untuk belajar mencintai orang yang tidak sempurna dengan cara yang sempurna.
Bahaya Es Teh Bagi Ginjal
Siapa tak suka minum es teh? Rasanya yang manis menyegarkan, berpadu dengan harga murah membuat es teh menjadi minuman favorit di segala suasana, termasuk saat berbuka puasa.
Popularitas es teh terbukti dengan kehadirannya di hampir semua tempat makan, mulai dari kelas warung hingga restoran mahal. Mungkin banyak yang setuju dengan jargon es teh kemasan, "Apapun makanannya, minumnya tetap es teh."
Tapi tahukah Anda, di balik kenikmatannya, es teh menyimpan potensi merugikan bagi kesehatan. Penelitian Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine mengungkap bahwa konsumsi es teh berlebih meningkatkan risiko menderita batu ginjal.
Seperti dikutip dari laman Times of India, es teh mengandung konsentrasi tinggi oksalat, salah satu bahan kimia kunci yang memicu pembentukan batu ginjal. "Bagi mereka yang memiliki kecenderungan sakit batu ginjal, es teh jelas menjadi minuman terburuk," kata Dr John Milner, asisten profesor Departemen Urologi, yang tergabung dalam penelitian.
Milner mengatakan, teh panas sebenarnya juga menyimpan efek buruk yang sama. Hanya, takaran penyajian teh panas biasanya lebih kecil. Logikanya, orang meminum teh panas tak akan sebanyak minum es teh. Jarang orang yang mengonsumsi teh panas saat haus. Berbeda dengan es teh, di mana banyak orang sanggup meminumnya lebih dari segelas saat haus dan udara panas.
Pria, wanita posmenopause dengan tingkat estrogen rendah, dan wanita yang pernah menjalani operasi pengangkatan indung telur paling rentan terpapar dampak buruk es teh. Oleh karenanya, Milner menyarankan, mengganti konsumsi minuman itu dengan air putih, atau mencampurnya dengan lemon. "Lemon kaya kandungan citrates, yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan batu ginjal," kata Milner.
Batu ginjal adalah kristal kecil yang terbentuk dari mineral dan garam yang biasanya ditemukan dalam air seni, ginjal atau saluran kemih. Mineral tak terpakai itu umumnya bisa keluar dari tubuh bersama urin, tapi dalam kondisi tertentu bisa mengendap dan membatu di dalam saluran kemih.
Peneliti juga mengungkap sejumlah makanan lain yang berpotensi menyimpan efek buruk. Mereka menyebut antara lain: bayam, cokelat, kacang-kacangan, garam, dan daging.
Sebaiknya, konsumsi es teh dan makanan-makanan itu secara moderat demi kesehatan ginjal. Padukan pula dengan makanan tinggi kalsium yang dapat mereduksi oksalat. Dan, tentu saja perbanyak minum air putih.
Sumber: Vivanews.com
Popularitas es teh terbukti dengan kehadirannya di hampir semua tempat makan, mulai dari kelas warung hingga restoran mahal. Mungkin banyak yang setuju dengan jargon es teh kemasan, "Apapun makanannya, minumnya tetap es teh."
Tapi tahukah Anda, di balik kenikmatannya, es teh menyimpan potensi merugikan bagi kesehatan. Penelitian Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine mengungkap bahwa konsumsi es teh berlebih meningkatkan risiko menderita batu ginjal.
Seperti dikutip dari laman Times of India, es teh mengandung konsentrasi tinggi oksalat, salah satu bahan kimia kunci yang memicu pembentukan batu ginjal. "Bagi mereka yang memiliki kecenderungan sakit batu ginjal, es teh jelas menjadi minuman terburuk," kata Dr John Milner, asisten profesor Departemen Urologi, yang tergabung dalam penelitian.
Milner mengatakan, teh panas sebenarnya juga menyimpan efek buruk yang sama. Hanya, takaran penyajian teh panas biasanya lebih kecil. Logikanya, orang meminum teh panas tak akan sebanyak minum es teh. Jarang orang yang mengonsumsi teh panas saat haus. Berbeda dengan es teh, di mana banyak orang sanggup meminumnya lebih dari segelas saat haus dan udara panas.
Pria, wanita posmenopause dengan tingkat estrogen rendah, dan wanita yang pernah menjalani operasi pengangkatan indung telur paling rentan terpapar dampak buruk es teh. Oleh karenanya, Milner menyarankan, mengganti konsumsi minuman itu dengan air putih, atau mencampurnya dengan lemon. "Lemon kaya kandungan citrates, yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan batu ginjal," kata Milner.
Batu ginjal adalah kristal kecil yang terbentuk dari mineral dan garam yang biasanya ditemukan dalam air seni, ginjal atau saluran kemih. Mineral tak terpakai itu umumnya bisa keluar dari tubuh bersama urin, tapi dalam kondisi tertentu bisa mengendap dan membatu di dalam saluran kemih.
Peneliti juga mengungkap sejumlah makanan lain yang berpotensi menyimpan efek buruk. Mereka menyebut antara lain: bayam, cokelat, kacang-kacangan, garam, dan daging.
Sebaiknya, konsumsi es teh dan makanan-makanan itu secara moderat demi kesehatan ginjal. Padukan pula dengan makanan tinggi kalsium yang dapat mereduksi oksalat. Dan, tentu saja perbanyak minum air putih.
Sumber: Vivanews.com
Senin, 23 Agustus 2010
“Pada malam itu Yesus dijual, ketika makan malam bersama murid-murid, Ia mengambil cawan, mengucap syukur lalu memberikan kepada mereka dan berkata . “Minumlah kamu semua dari cawan ini. Sebab inilah darahKu, darah perjanjian, yang ditumpahkan bagi banyak orang untuk pengampunan dosa-dosa”
Matius 26:27-28
Dalam kehidupan masyarakat hari ini segala hal menuntut adanya perjanjian sebagai bukti, misalnya sewa menyewa, jual beli, penuntutan perkara, semunya perlu menandangani suatu perjanjian. Janji secara lisan tidak ada buktinya. Kalau suatu janji hendak dipastikan bisa terlaksana, perlu adanya “perjanjian”. Perjanjian hanya bisa dilaksanakan menurut kepercayaan, kebenaran, dan hukum. Setelah seseorang membuat Perjanjian, kalau di kemudian hari ia tidak bisa melaksanakan perjanjian tersebut, berarti ia tidak dapat menepati janji. Ia akan kehilangan kepercayaan, dianggap tidak benar, dan standar moralnya merosot, bahkan akan ditindak menurut hukum. Jadi mengadakan perjan jian bukan perkara yang kecil.
Pada zaman Nuh, karena kejahatan manusia sangat besar, lalu ALLAH memusnahkan bumi dengan air bah. Tetapi Ia memlihara Nuh sekeluarga dan berbagai jenis makhluk hidup dengan bahtera. Setelah air bah lewat, ALLAH memberi tahu Nuh dan anak-anaknya bahawa ALLAH menciptakan manusia menurut gambar dan rupa ALLAH; bersamaan itu pula ALLAH berjanji kepada mereka bahwa mereka akan beranak cucu dan bertambah banyak, sehingga tidak akan terbilang jumlahnya di bumi. Tidak saja demikian, ALLAH maju selangkah lagi mengadakan perjanjian dengan mereka bahwa Dia tidak akan memusnahkan bumi dengan air bah lagi. Kemudian ALLAH memberi pelangi sebagai tanda perjanjian ini. Ini adalah cerita yang sangat indah ALLAH yang di surga mau mengadakan perjanjian dengan manusia.
“Pada malam itu Yesus dijual, ketika makan malam bersama murid-murid, Ia mengambil cawan, mengucap syukur lalu memberikan kepada mereka dan berkata . “Minumlah kamu semua dari cawan ini. Sebab inilah darahKu, darah perjanjian, yang ditumpahkan bagi banyak orang untuk pengampunan dosa-dosa. Matius 26:27-28, inilah suatu perjanjian yang terakhir, tertinggi, terbesar, terindah, yang ALLAH adakan dengan manusia. Alkitab menyebutnya Perjanjian Baru. Untuk menebus orang yang jatuh, ALLAH yang mulia justru merendahkan diri-Nya menjadi manusia, dengan darah membayar harga tebusan yang mahal, menjadi bukti ALLAH mengadakan perjanjian dengan manusia.
Perjanjian Baru ini meliputi empat butir berkat yang Allah berikan kepada manusia. Pertama, ALLAH akan mengampuni ketidakbenaran kita, tidak akan mengingat dosa-dosa kita lagi. Kedua, Dia akan memberikan hokum-Nya ke dalam pikiran kita, menulisnya pada hati kita; menyatakan bahwa ALLAH akan menyalurkan hayat-Nya kapada kita. Ketiga, Dia akan menjadi ALLAH kita, kita akan menjadi umat-Nya, mempunyai hak khusus mendapatkan warisan kita, dan kita menjadi warisan ALLAH. Keempat, kita bisa berdasarkan perasaan hayat batiniah kita mengenal ALLAH dan bersentuhan dengan ALLAH.
Matius 26:27-28
Dalam kehidupan masyarakat hari ini segala hal menuntut adanya perjanjian sebagai bukti, misalnya sewa menyewa, jual beli, penuntutan perkara, semunya perlu menandangani suatu perjanjian. Janji secara lisan tidak ada buktinya. Kalau suatu janji hendak dipastikan bisa terlaksana, perlu adanya “perjanjian”. Perjanjian hanya bisa dilaksanakan menurut kepercayaan, kebenaran, dan hukum. Setelah seseorang membuat Perjanjian, kalau di kemudian hari ia tidak bisa melaksanakan perjanjian tersebut, berarti ia tidak dapat menepati janji. Ia akan kehilangan kepercayaan, dianggap tidak benar, dan standar moralnya merosot, bahkan akan ditindak menurut hukum. Jadi mengadakan perjan jian bukan perkara yang kecil.
Pada zaman Nuh, karena kejahatan manusia sangat besar, lalu ALLAH memusnahkan bumi dengan air bah. Tetapi Ia memlihara Nuh sekeluarga dan berbagai jenis makhluk hidup dengan bahtera. Setelah air bah lewat, ALLAH memberi tahu Nuh dan anak-anaknya bahawa ALLAH menciptakan manusia menurut gambar dan rupa ALLAH; bersamaan itu pula ALLAH berjanji kepada mereka bahwa mereka akan beranak cucu dan bertambah banyak, sehingga tidak akan terbilang jumlahnya di bumi. Tidak saja demikian, ALLAH maju selangkah lagi mengadakan perjanjian dengan mereka bahwa Dia tidak akan memusnahkan bumi dengan air bah lagi. Kemudian ALLAH memberi pelangi sebagai tanda perjanjian ini. Ini adalah cerita yang sangat indah ALLAH yang di surga mau mengadakan perjanjian dengan manusia.
“Pada malam itu Yesus dijual, ketika makan malam bersama murid-murid, Ia mengambil cawan, mengucap syukur lalu memberikan kepada mereka dan berkata . “Minumlah kamu semua dari cawan ini. Sebab inilah darahKu, darah perjanjian, yang ditumpahkan bagi banyak orang untuk pengampunan dosa-dosa. Matius 26:27-28, inilah suatu perjanjian yang terakhir, tertinggi, terbesar, terindah, yang ALLAH adakan dengan manusia. Alkitab menyebutnya Perjanjian Baru. Untuk menebus orang yang jatuh, ALLAH yang mulia justru merendahkan diri-Nya menjadi manusia, dengan darah membayar harga tebusan yang mahal, menjadi bukti ALLAH mengadakan perjanjian dengan manusia.
Perjanjian Baru ini meliputi empat butir berkat yang Allah berikan kepada manusia. Pertama, ALLAH akan mengampuni ketidakbenaran kita, tidak akan mengingat dosa-dosa kita lagi. Kedua, Dia akan memberikan hokum-Nya ke dalam pikiran kita, menulisnya pada hati kita; menyatakan bahwa ALLAH akan menyalurkan hayat-Nya kapada kita. Ketiga, Dia akan menjadi ALLAH kita, kita akan menjadi umat-Nya, mempunyai hak khusus mendapatkan warisan kita, dan kita menjadi warisan ALLAH. Keempat, kita bisa berdasarkan perasaan hayat batiniah kita mengenal ALLAH dan bersentuhan dengan ALLAH.
Confirmed of Our Salvation
1 Cor 1:2 To the church of God which is in Corinth, to those
who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, the called saints,
with all those who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
in every place, who is theirs and ours:
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son, that every one who believes into Him would not
perish, but would have eternal life.
A saint is a person who has been called by God and who is now
calling on the name of the Lord Jesus. Early in their
Christian life, some saints may lose the feeling that they are
saved. They may not feel that they have the divine life or the
Holy Spirit. When I was young, I also sometimes lost this
feeling. Not long after I was saved, I read John Bunyan's book
Pilgrim's Progress. At one point, the pilgrim in that book
loses his certificate. When I read this, I asked myself where
my certificate was. It seemed that I was not able to find it.
For several days I was troubled about this, and I was unable
to eat well or sleep well. Then I read a book published by
Brother Nee, The Assurance of Salvation. In this book Brother
Nee says that in the Bible God clearly tells us that as long
as we believe in Christ, we are saved. When I read this, I
opened my Bible to John 3:16, knelt down, and said, "I want to
testify to the heavens and the earth that I believe this
verse. According to this verse in the Bible, I know that I
have eternal life." Although I still had some doubts after
that, eventually the strong feeling returned in me that I was
in fact a child of God. This is what I mean by inward
As believers in Christ, we all have this confirmation. We are
confirmed that we are children of God with the divine life and
the Holy Spirit. As Paul says, we are not lacking in any
gifts. We have seen that this means we possess the initial
gifts--the divine life and the Holy Spirit. We all should be
clear that we are truly saints. Can you deny the fact that you
are a saint? You have been called by God, you are calling on
the name of the Lord Jesus, and you have the inner
confirmation that you possess the divine life and the Holy
who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, the called saints,
with all those who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
in every place, who is theirs and ours:
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son, that every one who believes into Him would not
perish, but would have eternal life.
A saint is a person who has been called by God and who is now
calling on the name of the Lord Jesus. Early in their
Christian life, some saints may lose the feeling that they are
saved. They may not feel that they have the divine life or the
Holy Spirit. When I was young, I also sometimes lost this
feeling. Not long after I was saved, I read John Bunyan's book
Pilgrim's Progress. At one point, the pilgrim in that book
loses his certificate. When I read this, I asked myself where
my certificate was. It seemed that I was not able to find it.
For several days I was troubled about this, and I was unable
to eat well or sleep well. Then I read a book published by
Brother Nee, The Assurance of Salvation. In this book Brother
Nee says that in the Bible God clearly tells us that as long
as we believe in Christ, we are saved. When I read this, I
opened my Bible to John 3:16, knelt down, and said, "I want to
testify to the heavens and the earth that I believe this
verse. According to this verse in the Bible, I know that I
have eternal life." Although I still had some doubts after
that, eventually the strong feeling returned in me that I was
in fact a child of God. This is what I mean by inward
As believers in Christ, we all have this confirmation. We are
confirmed that we are children of God with the divine life and
the Holy Spirit. As Paul says, we are not lacking in any
gifts. We have seen that this means we possess the initial
gifts--the divine life and the Holy Spirit. We all should be
clear that we are truly saints. Can you deny the fact that you
are a saint? You have been called by God, you are calling on
the name of the Lord Jesus, and you have the inner
confirmation that you possess the divine life and the Holy
“…siapa saja yang berjalan dalam kegelapan, ia tidak tahu ke mana ia pergi.” Yohanes 12:35b
Hari ini, di mana-mana ada orang yang berlalu lalang, ke sana kemari, sibuk sekali. Di jalan raya orang berlalu lalang, di atas rel orang berlalu lalang, di atas laut orang berlalu lalang, di atas udara orang juga berlalu lalang; di belahan bumi sebelah timur, barat, utara dan selatanpun tak terkecuali.. Manusia sedemikian sibuk ke sana ke mari, SEBENARNYA MAU KEMANAKAH MEREKA??
Ada orang berkata: Aku mau sekolah. Yang lain berkata: Aku mau ke pabrik. Yang lain lagi berkata: Aku mau ke kantor, dan banyak tujuan lain lagi seperti mau ke pasar swalayan, mau ke Mall, mau ke bioskop, mau belanja, mau ke pantai, mau ke Bali berlibur, mau ke Dubai, mau ke Milan, mau ke London, mau ke Tokyo mau ke Amerika Serikat mau Italia, Mau ke Perancis mau ke Swiss, mau ke, Jepang…Korea….Jerman….Inggris….Afrika Selatan….Ungkapan secara demikian, ditinjau menurut saat itu, boleh dikatakan benar, tetapi semua ungkapan itu hanya menurut apa yang ada didepan mata.
Tidak salah, hari ini kita berkata bahwa kita mau ke sana, mau ke sini; lalu, bagaimana kelak? Musim demi musim lewat, kita mau pergi kemana. Kini kita masih hidup di dunia ini, dan kita bisa masih bisa berkata: Mau ke sana, mau ke sini. Namun, begitu mata kita terpejam, kita meninggalkan dunia ini, taukah kita, KEMANA KITA AKAN PERGI????
Dunia ini adalah “dunia yang gelap” (Efesus 6:12), dimanapun berada di bawah cengkeraman “kuasa kegelapan” (Kolose 1:13). Karena berada dalam gelap maka manusia tidak tahu akan ke mana, sebab “siapa saja yang berjalan dalam kegelapan, dia tidak tahu ke mana ia pergi’ (Yoh. 12:35). Manusia bisa saja mengetahui hari ini, di dunia ini ia akan ke mana, tetapi tidak tahu kelak begitu meninggalkan dunia ini akan ke mana. Hari ini mau kemana adalah perkara yang bersifat sementara; kelak mau ke mana, ini adalah perkara yang bersifat kekal. Hari ini mau kemana, perlu pemikiran dan pertimbangan, kelak mau kemana perlu pemikiran dan pertibangan yang lebih lagi.
Firman Tuhan mengatakan bahwa manusia di bumi ini “adalah orang asing dan pendatang…sebagai bayang-bayang hari-harinya di bumi dan tidak dan harapan’ (1 Taw. 29:15). Satu hari nanti pasti kita akan meninggalkan dunia ini, dan pergi ke tempat yang lain. Ada orang yang akan pergi ke “hukuman kekal’, ada oarng yang akan pergi ke “kehidupan kekal” (Mat. 25:46).
Siapa saja yang tidak percaya kepada Kristus, menolak Kristus, tidak menerima penebusan Kristus, “akan menjalani hukuman kebinasaan selama-lamanya” (2 Tes. 1:9), “ke dalam api yang kekal yang telah disediakan untuk Iblis dan malaikat-malaikatnya.” (Mat. 25:41). Siapa saja yang percaya kepada Kristus, menerima penebusan-Nya, beroleh hidup yang kekal “Yoh. 3:15), masuk ke dalam mulia (IBr. 2:10), menerima warisan yang tidak dapat binasa, yang tidak dapat cemar dan tidak layu, yan g tersimpan di surga (I Pet. 1:4). Warisan yang tersimpan di surga ini adalah “Yerusalem Baru” (Ibr. 12:22), yang pada masa langit baru dan bumi baru akan turun dari surga, dan disebut “Kota yang kudus, Yerusalem yang baru.” (Wahyu 21:2).
Mumpung masih ada hari ini, setiap orang perlu percaya kepada Kristus, menerima penebusanNya agar kelak tidak menyesal karena terlambat.
Hari ini, di mana-mana ada orang yang berlalu lalang, ke sana kemari, sibuk sekali. Di jalan raya orang berlalu lalang, di atas rel orang berlalu lalang, di atas laut orang berlalu lalang, di atas udara orang juga berlalu lalang; di belahan bumi sebelah timur, barat, utara dan selatanpun tak terkecuali.. Manusia sedemikian sibuk ke sana ke mari, SEBENARNYA MAU KEMANAKAH MEREKA??
Ada orang berkata: Aku mau sekolah. Yang lain berkata: Aku mau ke pabrik. Yang lain lagi berkata: Aku mau ke kantor, dan banyak tujuan lain lagi seperti mau ke pasar swalayan, mau ke Mall, mau ke bioskop, mau belanja, mau ke pantai, mau ke Bali berlibur, mau ke Dubai, mau ke Milan, mau ke London, mau ke Tokyo mau ke Amerika Serikat mau Italia, Mau ke Perancis mau ke Swiss, mau ke, Jepang…Korea….Jerman….Inggris….Afrika Selatan….Ungkapan secara demikian, ditinjau menurut saat itu, boleh dikatakan benar, tetapi semua ungkapan itu hanya menurut apa yang ada didepan mata.
Tidak salah, hari ini kita berkata bahwa kita mau ke sana, mau ke sini; lalu, bagaimana kelak? Musim demi musim lewat, kita mau pergi kemana. Kini kita masih hidup di dunia ini, dan kita bisa masih bisa berkata: Mau ke sana, mau ke sini. Namun, begitu mata kita terpejam, kita meninggalkan dunia ini, taukah kita, KEMANA KITA AKAN PERGI????
Dunia ini adalah “dunia yang gelap” (Efesus 6:12), dimanapun berada di bawah cengkeraman “kuasa kegelapan” (Kolose 1:13). Karena berada dalam gelap maka manusia tidak tahu akan ke mana, sebab “siapa saja yang berjalan dalam kegelapan, dia tidak tahu ke mana ia pergi’ (Yoh. 12:35). Manusia bisa saja mengetahui hari ini, di dunia ini ia akan ke mana, tetapi tidak tahu kelak begitu meninggalkan dunia ini akan ke mana. Hari ini mau kemana adalah perkara yang bersifat sementara; kelak mau ke mana, ini adalah perkara yang bersifat kekal. Hari ini mau kemana, perlu pemikiran dan pertimbangan, kelak mau kemana perlu pemikiran dan pertibangan yang lebih lagi.
Firman Tuhan mengatakan bahwa manusia di bumi ini “adalah orang asing dan pendatang…sebagai bayang-bayang hari-harinya di bumi dan tidak dan harapan’ (1 Taw. 29:15). Satu hari nanti pasti kita akan meninggalkan dunia ini, dan pergi ke tempat yang lain. Ada orang yang akan pergi ke “hukuman kekal’, ada oarng yang akan pergi ke “kehidupan kekal” (Mat. 25:46).
Siapa saja yang tidak percaya kepada Kristus, menolak Kristus, tidak menerima penebusan Kristus, “akan menjalani hukuman kebinasaan selama-lamanya” (2 Tes. 1:9), “ke dalam api yang kekal yang telah disediakan untuk Iblis dan malaikat-malaikatnya.” (Mat. 25:41). Siapa saja yang percaya kepada Kristus, menerima penebusan-Nya, beroleh hidup yang kekal “Yoh. 3:15), masuk ke dalam mulia (IBr. 2:10), menerima warisan yang tidak dapat binasa, yang tidak dapat cemar dan tidak layu, yan g tersimpan di surga (I Pet. 1:4). Warisan yang tersimpan di surga ini adalah “Yerusalem Baru” (Ibr. 12:22), yang pada masa langit baru dan bumi baru akan turun dari surga, dan disebut “Kota yang kudus, Yerusalem yang baru.” (Wahyu 21:2).
Mumpung masih ada hari ini, setiap orang perlu percaya kepada Kristus, menerima penebusanNya agar kelak tidak menyesal karena terlambat.
Mengalirkan air untuk membagikan hayat
Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya jikalau biji gandum tidak jatuh ke dalam tanah dan mati, ia tetap satu biji saja; tetapi jika ia mati, ia akan menghasilkan banyak buah. Yohanes 12:24
Ayat Bacaan: Yoh. 12:24; 4:14; Why. 22:1
Air yang keluar dari rusuk-Nya melambangkan aspek penyaluran hayat dari kematian Kristus (Yoh. 12:24). Air adalah untuk penyaluran hayat (Yoh. 4:14, Why. 22:1). Kalau darah membentuk sebuah sumber untuk mencuci dosa-dosa, air menjadi sebuah sumber untuk diminum. Darah itu untuk membeli gereja, sedangkan air yang melambangkan hayat kekal itu untuk menghasilkan gereja. Aspek kedua dari kematian Tuhan ini adalah kematian yang membebaskan hayat, mengembangbiakkan hayat dan melipatgandakan hayat, juga adalah kematian yang melahirkan dan mereproduksi hayat.
Sewaktu Tuhan Yesus berkata bahwa Ia adalah sebutir biji gandum yang jatuh ke tanah; mati sehingga menghasilkan banyak butir biji gandum (Yoh. 12:24), Dia menunjukkan aspek penyaluran hayat dari kematian-Nya. Kematian dari sebutir biji gandum ini bukanlah untuk penebusan, melainkan mutlak untuk penyaluran hayat yang ada dalam gandum pertama kepada banyak butir biji gandum. Di pihak negatif, kematian Kristus menyingkirkan dosa-dosa kita, dan di pihak positif, menyalurkan hayat ilahi ke dalam kita.
Pada hari ini, begitu kita percaya kepada-Nya, dosa-dosa kita disingkirkan oleh kematian-Nya yang menebus dan hayat yang kekal disalurkan kepada kita oleh kematian-Nya yang menyalurkan hayat. Kematian yang menyalurkan hayat ini juga merupakan kematian yang membebaskan hayat, mengembang-biakkan hayat dan melipatgandakan hayat. Inilah kematian yang melahirkan dan mereproduksi hayat. Sebutir biji gandum, meski hayatnya terkurung dalam biji gandum itu namun ia penuh dengan kuasa kebangkitan.
Kematian Tuhan adalah kematian yang membebaskan hayat; bagi kita, itulah kematian yang menyalurkan hayat. Tidak hanya demikian, kematian-Nya juga mengembangbiakkan hayat, menyebabkan pelipatgandaan hayat. Kematian juga mereproduksi hayat, karena sebutir biji gandum telah direproduksi menjadi banyak butir biji gandum. Betapa perlunya kita terkesan oleh aspek-aspek yang ajaib dari kematian Kristus yang almuhit ini. Karena kematian-Nya yang almuhit inilah yang membawa kita berbagian dengan hayat kekal-Nya. Kini Dialah sumber kita yang sejati, kita adalah reproduksi hayat-Nya. Haleluya!
Sumber: Arus Hayat Yohanes
Ayat Bacaan: Yoh. 12:24; 4:14; Why. 22:1
Air yang keluar dari rusuk-Nya melambangkan aspek penyaluran hayat dari kematian Kristus (Yoh. 12:24). Air adalah untuk penyaluran hayat (Yoh. 4:14, Why. 22:1). Kalau darah membentuk sebuah sumber untuk mencuci dosa-dosa, air menjadi sebuah sumber untuk diminum. Darah itu untuk membeli gereja, sedangkan air yang melambangkan hayat kekal itu untuk menghasilkan gereja. Aspek kedua dari kematian Tuhan ini adalah kematian yang membebaskan hayat, mengembangbiakkan hayat dan melipatgandakan hayat, juga adalah kematian yang melahirkan dan mereproduksi hayat.
Sewaktu Tuhan Yesus berkata bahwa Ia adalah sebutir biji gandum yang jatuh ke tanah; mati sehingga menghasilkan banyak butir biji gandum (Yoh. 12:24), Dia menunjukkan aspek penyaluran hayat dari kematian-Nya. Kematian dari sebutir biji gandum ini bukanlah untuk penebusan, melainkan mutlak untuk penyaluran hayat yang ada dalam gandum pertama kepada banyak butir biji gandum. Di pihak negatif, kematian Kristus menyingkirkan dosa-dosa kita, dan di pihak positif, menyalurkan hayat ilahi ke dalam kita.
Pada hari ini, begitu kita percaya kepada-Nya, dosa-dosa kita disingkirkan oleh kematian-Nya yang menebus dan hayat yang kekal disalurkan kepada kita oleh kematian-Nya yang menyalurkan hayat. Kematian yang menyalurkan hayat ini juga merupakan kematian yang membebaskan hayat, mengembang-biakkan hayat dan melipatgandakan hayat. Inilah kematian yang melahirkan dan mereproduksi hayat. Sebutir biji gandum, meski hayatnya terkurung dalam biji gandum itu namun ia penuh dengan kuasa kebangkitan.
Kematian Tuhan adalah kematian yang membebaskan hayat; bagi kita, itulah kematian yang menyalurkan hayat. Tidak hanya demikian, kematian-Nya juga mengembangbiakkan hayat, menyebabkan pelipatgandaan hayat. Kematian juga mereproduksi hayat, karena sebutir biji gandum telah direproduksi menjadi banyak butir biji gandum. Betapa perlunya kita terkesan oleh aspek-aspek yang ajaib dari kematian Kristus yang almuhit ini. Karena kematian-Nya yang almuhit inilah yang membawa kita berbagian dengan hayat kekal-Nya. Kini Dialah sumber kita yang sejati, kita adalah reproduksi hayat-Nya. Haleluya!
Sumber: Arus Hayat Yohanes
Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010
Scripture Reading: Mark 16:7; Matt. 28:7
Can you find the difference between these two passages after reading them? The Gospel of Matthew says that after the Lord’s resurrection, an angel told the women to tell His disciples of His resurrection. The Gospel of Mark records that the angel asked the women to tell the Lord’s disciples and Peter. Oh, the words “and Peter” cause tears to fall. All of the four Gospels record the story of the Lord’s resurrection. But only the Gospel of Mark has the words “and Peter.” Since John was the one whom the Lord loved, why does the Bible not say “and John”? Since Thomas was doubtful about the Lord’s resurrection, why does it not say “and Thomas”? The angel did not mention the best disciples or the most needy disciples. He specifically mentioned Peter. Why? What made Peter different from the others?
What kind of person was Peter? Three days before the resurrection, Peter committed a great sin, a sin that would cause the Lord not to confess him before the Father’s angels. Peter not only denied the Lord before men, he even denied the Lord before a maid who was despised by others at that time. But the Lord wanted the women to tell the disciples and Peter about His resurrection. The words “and Peter” have a very deep meaning! If any brother or sister had Peter’s experience, they might think:
“Oh! I have fallen. The sin which I have committed is not a common sin. I am afraid that I cannot draw close to the Lord anymore. The Lord might have already forsaken me. I am afraid that from now on, whenever the Lord has any important thing to do, He will not take me along. I will not be able to have special experiences like I had when I was with Him on the mount of transfiguration. I will not be able to accompany Him like I did in the garden of Gethsemane. I told the Lord that I would die for Him, and the Lord said that before the cock crowed twice, I would deny Him three times. I thought that the Lord misunderstood me. When He was taken, I even cut off a man’s ear with a sword, thinking that I could love Him courageously. Yet I fell. I did not fall before the high priest or before the powerful Pilate, but before the questioning of a maid. I denied the Lord once, twice, and finally I even swore in my denial of the Lord. At one time I confessed that He was the Christ, the Son of the living God. At another time I said to Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life’ But eventually, I fell just as the Lord was about to be crucified. I committed the great sin of denying Him. Although I cried with regret, I do not know how the Lord is going to treat me. It would have been better if He had not known that I denied Him. But when I denied Him, He turned His back and looked at me. He knew what I had done. What should I do? I dare not come close to Him anymore. Although He loves me, I dare not approach Him because there is a sin which separates me from Him. Perhaps from now on, I cannot be close to Him. Yet, after the Lord resurrected, several women brought back word that they were to specifically tell me about it. Oh, the Lord has not forsaken me, even though I denied Him three times. He does not hate me, nor is He angry with me. His heart was thinking of me. He did not mention anyone but me specifically. It is as though He was only thinking about me. ‘And Peter!’ ‘And Peter!’ These words are truly the most beautiful music in the world, the most wonderful tidings! If the Lord had only told the women to tell the disciples, I would have thought that I was no longer worthy of being His disciple and that I was no longer one of His disciples. I would not dare to go see Him. But since the Lord said, ‘and Peter,’ I know that He still wants me. Although I do not have the strength to go see Him, ‘and Peter’ encourages me to go. The message brought back by the women is true. The Lord told the angel to mention my name specifically. The Lord did not forsake me. I can still draw near to Him. Let me rise up and go see Him!”
Here was a fallen, sinful Peter, a Peter who had denied the Lord. Yet the Lord specifically mentioned him. This is the gospel! Brothers and sisters, do you know that once the Lord saves you, He saves you eternally? Although you may be discouraged, the Lord will never be discouraged. A sinful person like you may feel shame in turning back to Him, but the One you have sinned against considers that there is nothing wrong in returning to Him. Why should you keep thinking of your failure when He is not concerned with it? If the Lord can remove the veil from your face today, you will not fear Him or be afraid to come near to Him. Peter might have remembered that he said to the Lord, “If all will be stumbled because of You, I will never be stumbled” (Matt. 26:33). He might have also remembered what he said at the lake of Gennesaret, when he saw the glory of the Lord: “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord” (Luke 5:8). After Peter realized his true condition, how could he dare see the Lord again? He might have remembered the Lord’s pleading: “So were you not able to watch with Me for one hour?” He might have heard the Lord’s command in his ear: “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation” (Matt. 26:40-41). His condition was far below the Lord’s requirements. How could he dare to go see Him? But he went to meet the Lord anyway. He dared to go because of the words “and Peter.” Brothers and sisters, if you know the Lord’s intention behind the words “and Peter,” will you still turn away from Him, instead of turning toward Him? If you realize the profound significance of the words “and Peter,” you have to come near to the Lord.
Among the four Gospels, only the Gospel of Mark records this matter. Mark was a young man who followed and learned from Peter. The Gospel of Mark was dictated by Peter and written down by Mark. The words “tell His disciples and Peter” were specifically dictated by Peter. These words might not have been important to other people, but they were very important in Peter’s heart. When the Holy Spirit was writing the Bible, He specifically wanted to show us that, even though these few words were considered unimportant by Matthew, Luke, and John, they were very unforgettable and important to Peter who dictated the Gospel of Mark. “And Peter” had special meaning for him. Each remembrance of these words was sweet. Words of grace are especially memorable to the person who receives the grace.
Brothers and sisters, when you are at the Lord’s table meeting remembering the Lord, are you still afraid of God in your heart? Is there any sin separating you from God? You may have deeply wept, repented, and admitted that you disappointed the Lord. But do you dare say to the Lord, “Lord, I come to You”? Please consider this: If He was willing to go to the cross because He loved you, would He stop loving you just because you failed, fell, and backslid? Would the love He had on the cross decrease? It may be very easy for you not to love Him, draw near to Him, or return to Him; but it is impossible for Him to forget you, forsake you, or not love you. During the three days after the Lord was crucified, Peter was silent because he had fallen. But the Lord did not forget him. Therefore, if you do not have the strength to come to the Lord, as long as you are willing to believe in His words, He will give you the strength to draw near to Him. If you fall, He can make you rise up again. Although it seems that you will not be able to draw near to Him anymore, remember in faith the words “and Peter,” and you will be able to draw near to Him. When you want to come close to the Lord, but feel that you are very far from Him and have no strength to come near to Him, you need to remember the words “and Peter.” The more Peter fell, the more the Lord wanted to remember him. Although Peter dared not come too close to the Lord, the Lord’s heart attracted him and kept him from running away from Him. May you not misunderstand the Lord’s heart. If you ever hear the words “and Peter,” you should know that the Lord has not forsaken you. The Lord did not desert Peter, and neither has He forsaken you. “And Peter” means “and you”—“you” who have failed like Peter. May you see the Lord’s heart for you. If you see the Lord’s heart, you will run toward Him.
Source: And Peter, by Watchman Nee
Can you find the difference between these two passages after reading them? The Gospel of Matthew says that after the Lord’s resurrection, an angel told the women to tell His disciples of His resurrection. The Gospel of Mark records that the angel asked the women to tell the Lord’s disciples and Peter. Oh, the words “and Peter” cause tears to fall. All of the four Gospels record the story of the Lord’s resurrection. But only the Gospel of Mark has the words “and Peter.” Since John was the one whom the Lord loved, why does the Bible not say “and John”? Since Thomas was doubtful about the Lord’s resurrection, why does it not say “and Thomas”? The angel did not mention the best disciples or the most needy disciples. He specifically mentioned Peter. Why? What made Peter different from the others?
What kind of person was Peter? Three days before the resurrection, Peter committed a great sin, a sin that would cause the Lord not to confess him before the Father’s angels. Peter not only denied the Lord before men, he even denied the Lord before a maid who was despised by others at that time. But the Lord wanted the women to tell the disciples and Peter about His resurrection. The words “and Peter” have a very deep meaning! If any brother or sister had Peter’s experience, they might think:
“Oh! I have fallen. The sin which I have committed is not a common sin. I am afraid that I cannot draw close to the Lord anymore. The Lord might have already forsaken me. I am afraid that from now on, whenever the Lord has any important thing to do, He will not take me along. I will not be able to have special experiences like I had when I was with Him on the mount of transfiguration. I will not be able to accompany Him like I did in the garden of Gethsemane. I told the Lord that I would die for Him, and the Lord said that before the cock crowed twice, I would deny Him three times. I thought that the Lord misunderstood me. When He was taken, I even cut off a man’s ear with a sword, thinking that I could love Him courageously. Yet I fell. I did not fall before the high priest or before the powerful Pilate, but before the questioning of a maid. I denied the Lord once, twice, and finally I even swore in my denial of the Lord. At one time I confessed that He was the Christ, the Son of the living God. At another time I said to Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life’ But eventually, I fell just as the Lord was about to be crucified. I committed the great sin of denying Him. Although I cried with regret, I do not know how the Lord is going to treat me. It would have been better if He had not known that I denied Him. But when I denied Him, He turned His back and looked at me. He knew what I had done. What should I do? I dare not come close to Him anymore. Although He loves me, I dare not approach Him because there is a sin which separates me from Him. Perhaps from now on, I cannot be close to Him. Yet, after the Lord resurrected, several women brought back word that they were to specifically tell me about it. Oh, the Lord has not forsaken me, even though I denied Him three times. He does not hate me, nor is He angry with me. His heart was thinking of me. He did not mention anyone but me specifically. It is as though He was only thinking about me. ‘And Peter!’ ‘And Peter!’ These words are truly the most beautiful music in the world, the most wonderful tidings! If the Lord had only told the women to tell the disciples, I would have thought that I was no longer worthy of being His disciple and that I was no longer one of His disciples. I would not dare to go see Him. But since the Lord said, ‘and Peter,’ I know that He still wants me. Although I do not have the strength to go see Him, ‘and Peter’ encourages me to go. The message brought back by the women is true. The Lord told the angel to mention my name specifically. The Lord did not forsake me. I can still draw near to Him. Let me rise up and go see Him!”
Here was a fallen, sinful Peter, a Peter who had denied the Lord. Yet the Lord specifically mentioned him. This is the gospel! Brothers and sisters, do you know that once the Lord saves you, He saves you eternally? Although you may be discouraged, the Lord will never be discouraged. A sinful person like you may feel shame in turning back to Him, but the One you have sinned against considers that there is nothing wrong in returning to Him. Why should you keep thinking of your failure when He is not concerned with it? If the Lord can remove the veil from your face today, you will not fear Him or be afraid to come near to Him. Peter might have remembered that he said to the Lord, “If all will be stumbled because of You, I will never be stumbled” (Matt. 26:33). He might have also remembered what he said at the lake of Gennesaret, when he saw the glory of the Lord: “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord” (Luke 5:8). After Peter realized his true condition, how could he dare see the Lord again? He might have remembered the Lord’s pleading: “So were you not able to watch with Me for one hour?” He might have heard the Lord’s command in his ear: “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation” (Matt. 26:40-41). His condition was far below the Lord’s requirements. How could he dare to go see Him? But he went to meet the Lord anyway. He dared to go because of the words “and Peter.” Brothers and sisters, if you know the Lord’s intention behind the words “and Peter,” will you still turn away from Him, instead of turning toward Him? If you realize the profound significance of the words “and Peter,” you have to come near to the Lord.
Among the four Gospels, only the Gospel of Mark records this matter. Mark was a young man who followed and learned from Peter. The Gospel of Mark was dictated by Peter and written down by Mark. The words “tell His disciples and Peter” were specifically dictated by Peter. These words might not have been important to other people, but they were very important in Peter’s heart. When the Holy Spirit was writing the Bible, He specifically wanted to show us that, even though these few words were considered unimportant by Matthew, Luke, and John, they were very unforgettable and important to Peter who dictated the Gospel of Mark. “And Peter” had special meaning for him. Each remembrance of these words was sweet. Words of grace are especially memorable to the person who receives the grace.
Brothers and sisters, when you are at the Lord’s table meeting remembering the Lord, are you still afraid of God in your heart? Is there any sin separating you from God? You may have deeply wept, repented, and admitted that you disappointed the Lord. But do you dare say to the Lord, “Lord, I come to You”? Please consider this: If He was willing to go to the cross because He loved you, would He stop loving you just because you failed, fell, and backslid? Would the love He had on the cross decrease? It may be very easy for you not to love Him, draw near to Him, or return to Him; but it is impossible for Him to forget you, forsake you, or not love you. During the three days after the Lord was crucified, Peter was silent because he had fallen. But the Lord did not forget him. Therefore, if you do not have the strength to come to the Lord, as long as you are willing to believe in His words, He will give you the strength to draw near to Him. If you fall, He can make you rise up again. Although it seems that you will not be able to draw near to Him anymore, remember in faith the words “and Peter,” and you will be able to draw near to Him. When you want to come close to the Lord, but feel that you are very far from Him and have no strength to come near to Him, you need to remember the words “and Peter.” The more Peter fell, the more the Lord wanted to remember him. Although Peter dared not come too close to the Lord, the Lord’s heart attracted him and kept him from running away from Him. May you not misunderstand the Lord’s heart. If you ever hear the words “and Peter,” you should know that the Lord has not forsaken you. The Lord did not desert Peter, and neither has He forsaken you. “And Peter” means “and you”—“you” who have failed like Peter. May you see the Lord’s heart for you. If you see the Lord’s heart, you will run toward Him.
Source: And Peter, by Watchman Nee
Prayer: Lord, we thank You that by Your mercy and grace we can be here, gathered together into You. Lord, we believe that Your oracle will be here again. Speak to us. Open us to You as You are open to us. Lord, we need Your clear sky. Take away all the veils. We need to see something that is deep within You. We do not want knowledge; we do not want doctrine. We desire to touch Yourself as the life-giving Spirit, as the transforming Spirit, as the glorifying Spirit, as the Lord Spirit. We do not want to touch anything else. Hallelujah! You are such a Spirit, and You are now in our spirit. We thank You and worship You for these two spirits, the divine Spirit and the human spirit mingled together as one spirit. Tonight we believe that we are in this one spirit. Speak to us in this spirit. Even, Lord, speak in our speaking. Amen.
The burden for the messages in this book can be expressed in the following two sets of statements, the first set concerning the God-men (plural) and the second concerning a God-man (singular):
Set 1:
The God-men, as the regenerated children of God, constitute the new man, as the new creation of God, with the divine life.
The God-men, as the spiritual household of God, build up the Body of Christ, as the Triune God’s organism, with the transforming life.
The God-men, as the royal priesthood of God, struggle to be the overcomers, as God’s Zion in Jerusalem, with the reigning life.
The God-men, as the chosen race of God, consummate the New Jerusalem, as God’s eternal expression, with the glorifying life.
Set 2:
A God-man who knows the excellent Christ should live a life conformed to the death of Christ by the power of His resurrection (Phil. 3:8, 10).
A God-man who has Christ living in him should live Christ and magnify Christ by the bountiful supply of His Spirit (Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:19-21).
A God-man who has been freed by Christ as the Lord Spirit should be transformed and conformed to the glorious image of Him as the firstborn Son of God (2 Cor. 3:17-18; Rom. 8:29).
To reign by grace in life in this age and to triumph in Christ unto glory in the next age.
The subject of the messages in this book can be expressed in just two words: the God-men. The six chapters of this book cover four major topics: the first, the God-men and the new man; the second, the God-men and the Body of Christ; the third, the God-men and the overcomers; and the last, the God-men and the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is the conclusion of the entire sixty-six books of the Bible.
Some may ask, “In what book, what chapter, and what verse can you find this wonderful term the God-men?” The answer is very simple. Although we cannot find the term the Triune God in the Bible, nearly all Bible students recognize that the entire Bible reveals the Triune God. In the same principle, although we cannot find the term the God-men in the Bible, the fact, the reality, of the God-men is in the Bible. Initially, the Bible speaks of the God-man. Today this God-man has become the God-men. The God-man is Jesus Christ, who is God incarnated to be a man. As such a One, He is the God-man. Furthermore, He is the model God-man, the prototype for the producing of many God-men (Rom. 1:3-4; 8:29), including all the dear saints throughout the world. Regardless of our nationality, and regardless of whether we are male or female, young or old, we all must believe that we are God-men. We are all God-men, and each one of us is a God-man.
A. Born of God to Be His Sons
The first qualification of the God-men is that they are born of God to be His many sons (John 1:12-13; Heb. 2:10). Originally, we were merely created men. After being created, we became fallen sinners. We were not sons of God. But praise Him, according to His eternal economy, four thousand years after He created Adam, God came out of eternity and entered into time, and He became a man. This man is Jesus Christ. In the past two thousand years of human history, Jesus Christ as the God-man has influenced the entire world. Today He is still doing the same thing, but He is doing it not by Himself alone but by thousands and even millions of God-men, who are the mass reproduction of Him as the prototype.
Although we are of different races and nationalities, by His mercy we have all become the same: we are all God-men. A God-man is one who has been born of God. In Christianity there is a theology that tells people that we believers became sons of God not by birth but by adoption. According to this theology, we were not born of God but were merely adopted by God. However, according to the Scriptures, we, the believers in Christ, were all born of God to be His sons. As the sons of God, surely we are God-men. We are the same as the One of whom we were born. It would be impossible to be born of God and not be the sons of God. Since we are the sons of God, we are God-men.
B. Having the Divine Life
As sons of God and as God-men, we have the divine life (John 3:15, 36a). Many Christians realize that they have eternal life, yet they do not know what eternal life is. Furthermore, they do not know what the divine life is. They do not know that, as regenerated ones, they have another life in addition to their own human life. We all need to realize that in addition to our natural life, we have another life, the divine life. The natural life makes us a natural man, and the divine life makes us a divine man. We all can boast that we are divine persons because we have been born of the divine life. Since we have been born of the divine life and possess the divine life, surely we are divine persons. We have been born of the divine life; therefore, we are divine. It is a pity that the majority of regenerated people do not know that they have God’s life in addition to their own life. Our own life is a human life; thus, we are all human. But through regeneration we have received another life, which has been added to our natural life. This life is not only holy and heavenly but also divine. Thus, we have all become divine.
Although we are divine men, we need to ask ourselves whether we live, act, and behave ourselves as divine men. Some of us may feel that we are not qualified to be even a human man, not to mention a divine man. Because of our poor behavior, we may consider ourselves “turtles” and not men. Nevertheless, because we have been born of God and have the divine life, we can say that we are not only higher than the turtles, but we are even much higher than the top human beings. We may feel that we are not qualified to say this, but actually we are more than qualified. My burden in these messages is to help you to see a vision from the heavens. Do not look at yourself. We are not worthwhile to look at. We must look away to the heavens. In the heavens the angels are rejoicing because they see that all the believers are divine. The angels have only the angelic life; they are not divine. What an honor and what a glory that we human beings can be divine!
In our recent crystallization-study of the Epistle of James, I pointed out that the Christian perfection stressed by James is not the genuine Christian perfection revealed in the entire divine revelation of the New Testament. I said that the perfection stressed by James is a pretense and is the product of self-cultivation, by the natural life endeavoring to develop the “bright virtue” in the man of the old creation. This is in contrast with the genuine Christian perfection, which is produced by the believers with the rich element of all that Christ is, by the bountiful supply of the all-inclusive consummated Spirit, and through the power of Christ’s resurrection and the death of Christ’s cross. The Bible, according to God’s economy, teaches all God’s chosen ones, who have believed in Christ and have been regenerated by the Spirit and who have become the God-men, to be divine persons (Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:19-21a).
C. Having the Divine Nature
As those who are born of God, the God-men have not only the divine life but also the divine nature. Thank God that in the Bible, among the sixty-six books, there is one verse, 2 Peter 1:4, that says that we are partakers of the divine nature, which is the nature of God. We should mark such a verse in our Bibles so that whenever we open the Bible, that verse will stand out. We are not turtles, because we do not have the turtle nature. We are men, for we do have the human nature. But we have also been born of God; we are God’s sons, God’s children. Thus, we have God’s nature. Since we have God’s nature, are we not God? In fact, we are God in His life and His nature, but not in His Godhead.
D. Having Two Lives, Human and Divine, Living Together as One Life
As God-men, we also have two lives, human and divine, living together as one life. We may wonder how two lives could live together as one life. The answer is very simple. In grafting, a branch from one tree is grafted into another tree. The two are joined together, and the two lives live together as one life. In the same principle, we, the believers, have been grafted into Christ (Rom. 11:17-19) and are living in an organic union with Him. In such a union the human life and the divine life are joined as one so that they live together as one mingled life and one living.
E. Having Two Natures, Humanity and Divinity
The God-men not only have two lives, but they also have two natures, humanity and divinity. This is marvelous. Today’s Christianity makes God’s salvation merely a religion. Religion does not teach people to be God-men by receiving God into them. Religion always cultivates man’s natural capacity in order to build up the self. Education does the same thing; it merely builds up the human being. Apparently, the Bible also does this, but actually it does not. The Bible does not build up the natural man; rather, it builds up a God-man. We are born of God, and we are children of God. The Bible builds us up to be proper God-men.
My burden in the Lord’s ministry is not to build you up to be a nice man, a good man, or a gentle man, but to be a God-man. I have given thousands of messages on how to be a Christ-man, a God-man. In the Lord’s recovery our teaching is not to raise up good men. Our teaching, absolutely according to the Bible, is to raise up God-men.
Eventually, the Bible builds up a corporate man. Ultimately, this corporate man will be enlarged to be its consummation, the New Jerusalem. The issue of the Bible’s teaching is just one entity, the New Jerusalem as the aggregate of all the God-men.
We need to know by seeing that we have God’s life and possess God’s nature. There is such a fact that the divine life is mingled with our human life. Therefore, we must learn how to live not by our human life but by God’s life mingling with our human life to make us divine.
F. The Human Life (the Old Man) Being Crucified for the Living of the Divine Life with the Resurrected Human Life (the New Man)
Our human life (the old man) has been crucified for the living of the divine life with the resurrected human life (the new man) (Gal. 2:20a; Eph. 4:22-24). Our old man, the natural man, should not be cultivated. Rather, it should be cut off; it should be crucified. It has been crucified already with Christ on the cross (Rom. 6:6). Christ has crucified all His believers so that His believers may live not by the crucified life but by the divine life in a humanity that is resurrected. Now the divine life is living not in the natural humanity but in the resurrected humanity. That is the new man. We all need to see such a vision. Because I have seen this, I always hate my own humility. I hate my humility much more than my pride, because both my pride and my humility belong to the old man. We should always be reminded that our old man was crucified. Then, in regeneration our natural humanity was resurrected. Regeneration is a resurrection (cf. Acts 13:33). To be regenerated is to be resurrected with the divine life. Therefore, today we should live a life conformed to the death of Christ (Phil. 3:10) that the divine life may have an opportunity to live with our resurrected humanity.
G. For the Manifestation of God in the Flesh as the New Man
This is for the manifestation of God in the flesh as the new man (1 Tim. 3:16; Eph. 2:15). First Timothy 3:16 says, “And confessedly, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was manifested in the flesh.” According to the context of this verse, godliness here refers not only to piety but also to the living of God in the church, that is, to God as life lived out in the church. Godliness means that God becomes man and man becomes God. This is a great mystery in the universe. God has become man so that man may become God to produce a corporate God-man for the manifestation of God in the flesh as the new man.
H. Growing Up for the Purpose of Building Up the Organic Body of Christ for the Fulfillment of the Eternal Economy of God
This corporate God-man grows up for the purpose of building up the organic Body of Christ for the fulfillment of the eternal economy of God (Eph. 4:12-13, 15-16). The manifestation of God is possible by the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is just the manifestation of God for the fulfillment of the eternal economy of God. Regardless of how much our natural self can be built up, and regardless of how much our natural capacity can be cultivated, we can never be the manifestation of God, and we can never be a part of the Body of Christ. This must be the responsibility of the God-men. The God-men are born of God to have God’s life and God’s nature, to live by a mingled life in a mingled nature, to build up the Body of Christ as God’s manifestation. This is the revelation of the Bible. The natural concept we have received from human philosophy and religion is not the revelation of the Bible. The Bible does not teach this. The Bible teaches that a man must be born of God to be a God-man, and this God-man must be raised up, must grow up. Then the God-men know how to build up themselves to be the Body of Christ for the manifestation of God and for the fulfillment of God’s economy.
The Bible never says that there are many new men. The Bible tells us that there is only one new man (Eph. 2:15). This one new man is not an individual; he is a corporate man, and this corporate new man is the aggregate of all the God-men. When we put all the God-men together, we have one man. This one man is called “the new man” (Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10), referring to the new mankind. Adam was the old mankind. All his descendants are one with him to be the old man. Today we, the believers in Christ, are all one with Christ to be the new man.
A. Created by Christ
The new man was created by Christ (Eph. 2:15). To understand how the new man was created, we need a detailed definition. We were born the old man. One day we heard about the Lord Jesus and we believed in Him, and we received Him into us. He is the very embodiment of God (Col. 2:9). This means that when the Lord Jesus entered into us, God came into us; God was imparted into us. On the one hand, the divine element was brought into our being, and on the other hand, Christ terminated our old nature on the cross. Hence, Christ terminated our old nature and imparted God into us as the new element. By these two things Christ created us to be the new man. To create us, the sinners, to be the new man, our natural person, our natural being, had to be crossed out, and God Himself had to be imparted into us. This is the constitution of the new man.
B. With the Jews and the Gentiles as the Materials
According to Ephesians 2:15, Christ used the Jews and the Gentiles as the materials in His creating of the new man. Christ created the new man by imparting the divine nature into the redeemed humanity of the believing Jews and Gentiles.
C. In Himself as the Divine Element
Ephesians 2:15 says, “…that He [Christ] might create the two in Himself into one new man.” The new man was created in Christ as the divine element. When we were the old man, we had the human element but did not have the divine element. Since God Himself has been imparted and added into us, we now have the divine element in us. Since we have the divine element, we have become something new. This new thing in its totality is the new man.
D. Through His Death on the Cross
The new man was created through Christ’s death on the cross. Thousands of Christians have read Ephesians 2:15; 4:24; and Colossians 3:10, and they have seen the term the new man according to the letter, but they do not know what the new man is. Our becoming the new man was not merely a matter of our repenting and being sorry for our past and thereby becoming new. This is the teaching of Confucius; it is not the teaching of the Bible. In the creating of the new man, first our natural man was crucified by Christ on the cross, and then through the crossing out of the old man, Christ imparted God’s element into us. Thus, we became an entity that is different from the old man, because we have God’s element in us.
Ephesians 2:15 tells us that Christ did this creating work on the cross. We usually consider that Christ’s work on the cross was related only to negative things, to cross us out, to crucify us. But Ephesians 2:15 tells us that on the cross Christ did something positive, to generate us, not to put us to death. This divine thought is clearly seen in Ephesians 2:15. The cross of Christ not only destroys and kills; it also generates and brings in something divine.
The new man was created by Christ with two kinds of materials. The first is the redeemed created man; the second is the divine element. On the cross Christ put these two materials together to produce a new man. If a grain of wheat is sown into the earth, on the one hand the grain of wheat will die. While it is dying, it is growing. The death of the grain of wheat brings forth a new plant. What was once only a grain of wheat eventually becomes a new plant that bears many grains of wheat (John 12:24). Through the death of the grain of wheat, the grain of wheat is terminated. At the same time, something is germinated that grows up to be a new plant. This is an illustration of what was accomplished in Christ’s death. While He was on the cross, Christ was terminating, and He was also begetting.
First Peter 1:3 says that God the Father begot us through Christ’s resurrection. According to this view, we were crucified on the cross and were germinated in Christ’s resurrection. Thus, it may seem incorrect to say that Christ begot us on the cross. However, we should never separate resurrection from the cross. Christ’s death is always linked to His resurrection. His death brings in resurrection. In John 12:24 the Lord Jesus said, “Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” The one grain of wheat falls into the earth to die, but this death causes the grain to grow and become a hundred grains of wheat. In the death of the one grain we can see two things: the dying of the grain of wheat and the bringing forth of a new life. Similarly, when we receive Christ into us as our Savior and life, He is always with His death and resurrection.
Furthermore, the Lord’s resurrection includes His death. His death power is implied and included in His resurrection. His resurrection cannot be separated from His death. When we receive Him as our life, that life is resurrection (John 11:25), and in that life there is also the element of death. On the one hand, it imparts life to us, and at the same time, it crucifies us. Therefore, to be a believer as a God-man is not to cultivate anything of our natural life. We must realize that we have received Christ as our life (Col. 3:4a), and this life is in resurrection. Moreover, in that resurrection there is continually a putting to death.
We all know from our experience that the more we pray to the Lord, the more we contact the Lord, the more we allow the Lord to impart Himself into us, on the one hand, the more we become spiritually alive, and on the other hand, the more we desire to terminate our old self. After our proper prayer, the issue is always that we become living and at the same time are put to death. This kind of experience produces the new man. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 2:15 that Christ created the Jews and the Gentiles together on the cross into one new man. Therefore, Christ’s crucifixion was a creating.
E. To Be the One New Man for the Body of Christ
The one new man is for the Body of Christ (Eph. 2:16). To build up the Body, the God-men as the constituents of the new man must be raised up by growing up (Eph. 4:15). The spiritual raising up is not like the natural cultivation. It is to raise up the God-men to grow unto maturity, so that these God-men will do the work of building up the Body of Christ (vv. 12, 16).
F. Having the Believers as His Constituents, Who Are Christ and in Whom Is Christ
The constituents of the new man are the believers, the God-men, who are Christ and in whom is Christ (Col. 3:10-11). According to Colossians 3:11, Christ is all the members of the new man and in all the members. He is everything in the new man. Actually, He is the new man, His Body (1 Cor. 12:12). In the new man He is the centrality and universality. He is the constituent of the new man, and He is all in all in the new man.
G. To Be the Corporate Christ
All the God-men are the corporate Christ. This corporate Christ is in all the constituents, the members, of the new man. This means that the new man, as the totality of the God-men, becomes the corporate Christ. What kind of teaching could cause us to become Christ and even the corporate Christ? Only the teaching of the Bible. The Bible teaches the God-men to constitute the new man, and the new man is the corporate Christ.
H. By the Believers Putting Off the Old Man and Putting On the New Man through the Renewing of the Spirit in Their Mind
The new man was created by Christ, but the believers need to partake of this creation. To bring forth this new man, first Christ’s creating work on His cross was needed. Christ has already accomplished that work. In addition, every day we need to put off the old man and put on the new man through the renewing of the spirit in our mind (Eph. 4:22-24).
Our spirit is mingled with the divine Spirit (Rom. 8:16). Today our spirit is not a single spirit; it is a mingled spirit. This mingled spirit can enter into our mind. By our loving the Lord, by our praying to the Lord, and by our reading the Bible, our mind is filled with the mingled spirit. This changes and renews our mind. Our renewed mind then becomes a renewing mind. After I was saved I began to love the Lord, to pray to Him, and to read His Word year after year. This brought the mingled spirit into my mind, and this mingled spirit within me changed my mind, my view, and my thinking. Such a changed mind renews our entire being. This is to complete Christ’s creating of the new man.
Christ created the new man, but this creating has not yet been consummated. Christ has created us to be a new man, but after we are saved, we need to partake of this creation by putting off the old man and putting on the new man by having our mind filled with our mingled spirit. All these words are a heavenly language; they have nothing to do with philosophy or human logic. This is the divine revelation from the Bible. We all need to see this. Because I have seen this, no one can change me in my vision.
I. To Be the New Creation of God
The new man, created by Christ on the cross and consummated by our putting off the old man and putting on the new man through the renewing of our mind by the mingled spirit, eventually becomes the new creation of God. The God-men constitute the new man, and the new man eventually becomes the new creation.
1. In Christ as the Element
The new creation is in Christ as the element (2 Cor. 5:17). The very Christ is the element, the factor, of the new creation.
2. As the Unique Accomplishment in God’s Economy
The new creation is the unique accomplishment in God’s economy (Gal. 6:15). The consummate point of God’s economy is the new creation. This new creation eventually becomes the New Jerusalem as the ultimate consummation of God’s divine work (Rev. 21:2) carried out through four ages of humanity by God Himself in Christ and through the Spirit as the Triune God. By God in Christ through the Spirit in our spirit, this new creation is consummated to be the New Jerusalem. This will show God’s wisdom, as a shame to God’s enemy Satan in his cosmos (Eph. 3:10).
In this chapter we have covered three main things: the God-men, the new man, and the new creation. The God-men are the believers in Christ, who are reborn of God to be His sons. These sons possess God’s divine life and His divine nature. They live by this divine life with this divine nature to constitute the new man.
According to the Bible the new man was created by Christ on the cross and is consummated by the Spirit in our spirit. Christ created the new man in His death. In His death He terminated the old, fallen man and redeemed the original man created by God. At the same time He released the divine life from within Him and imparted this divine life into the redeemed humanity. The new man was created in this way. However, according to the Bible, the new man still must be consummated. The new man is consummated by the Spirit, who is the reality of Christ’s resurrection, which is a continuation of His death. Such a Spirit works in the believers to put off the old man, which Christ crucified on the cross, and to put on the new man, which Christ brought forth by imparting Himself as life into the redeemed humanity. The Spirit consummates what Christ created as the new man, in the way of renewing the believers by putting off the old man and putting on the new man through the renewing of their mind, which is saturated by the Spirit in their spirit, which becomes the mingled spirit in their mind to renew their entire person. Today in the universe there is such a man, on the one hand constituted of the God-men, and on the other hand created by Christ through His death and consummated by the Spirit through the renewing within the believers.
This new man needs to work, to move, and to carry out something. To do this, the new man needs a new universe. This new universe is the new creation. The new man is the person to carry out something in the new creation as the new universe. In this new universe, which is the new creation, the new man as a corporate person, the enlarged and corporate Christ, brings forth the Body of Christ, which is the very good pleasure and heart’s desire of God. This one Body of Christ consummates the New Jerusalem as God’s ultimate goal to fulfill God’s eternal economy.
For the past nineteen centuries thousands of Bible lovers have studied the Bible. If they were asked what the Bible teaches, they would give many different answers. What I have presented to you in this chapter is the highest standard of what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches only five things: the God-men, the new man, the new creation, the Body of Christ, and the New Jerusalem. The first three—the God-men, the new man, and the new creation—are the factors to bring forth one object of two aspects—the Body of Christ and the New Jerusalem. The God-men, the new man, and the new creation are for the producing of the Body of Christ, which will consummate the New Jerusalem as God’s ultimate goal. This is the real and intrinsic understanding of what the Bible teaches.
In the past seventy-three years, from 1922 until the present, the Lord in His recovery has used us to develop the intrinsic understanding of His Word. In these seventy-three years Brother Watchman Nee’s ministry occupied the first thirty years, from 1922 to 1952, the year he was imprisoned. During that period Brother Nee laid a very good foundation. From 1952 until today, a period of forty-three years, we, the co-workers of Brother Nee, have continued to develop what he laid as a foundation. In the past two years we have reached the ultimate consummation of our development. This development consummates in the God-men, the new man, the new creation, the Body of Christ, and the New Jerusalem. This is the conclusion of our seventy-three years of labor on this Holy Book. I believe that nothing could be higher than this. In the past two years I have been occupied with this day and night. To release this high revelation, there is a need to put out the crystallization-study of the holy Word.
The intrinsic content of the teaching of the Bible is the God-men, the new man, the new creation, the Body of Christ, and the New Jerusalem. In this chapter we have covered the first three of these items—the God-men, the new man, and the new creation. We need to receive a clear impression that we believers are the God-born God-men to grow in order to constitute the new man. The new man was created by Christ through His death and is consummated by the Spirit through His renewing. This new man becomes a person to move and work out God’s purpose in a new universe, that is, the new creation.
Source: God-Men, The, by Witness Lee
The burden for the messages in this book can be expressed in the following two sets of statements, the first set concerning the God-men (plural) and the second concerning a God-man (singular):
Set 1:
The God-men, as the regenerated children of God, constitute the new man, as the new creation of God, with the divine life.
The God-men, as the spiritual household of God, build up the Body of Christ, as the Triune God’s organism, with the transforming life.
The God-men, as the royal priesthood of God, struggle to be the overcomers, as God’s Zion in Jerusalem, with the reigning life.
The God-men, as the chosen race of God, consummate the New Jerusalem, as God’s eternal expression, with the glorifying life.
Set 2:
A God-man who knows the excellent Christ should live a life conformed to the death of Christ by the power of His resurrection (Phil. 3:8, 10).
A God-man who has Christ living in him should live Christ and magnify Christ by the bountiful supply of His Spirit (Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:19-21).
A God-man who has been freed by Christ as the Lord Spirit should be transformed and conformed to the glorious image of Him as the firstborn Son of God (2 Cor. 3:17-18; Rom. 8:29).
To reign by grace in life in this age and to triumph in Christ unto glory in the next age.
The subject of the messages in this book can be expressed in just two words: the God-men. The six chapters of this book cover four major topics: the first, the God-men and the new man; the second, the God-men and the Body of Christ; the third, the God-men and the overcomers; and the last, the God-men and the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is the conclusion of the entire sixty-six books of the Bible.
Some may ask, “In what book, what chapter, and what verse can you find this wonderful term the God-men?” The answer is very simple. Although we cannot find the term the Triune God in the Bible, nearly all Bible students recognize that the entire Bible reveals the Triune God. In the same principle, although we cannot find the term the God-men in the Bible, the fact, the reality, of the God-men is in the Bible. Initially, the Bible speaks of the God-man. Today this God-man has become the God-men. The God-man is Jesus Christ, who is God incarnated to be a man. As such a One, He is the God-man. Furthermore, He is the model God-man, the prototype for the producing of many God-men (Rom. 1:3-4; 8:29), including all the dear saints throughout the world. Regardless of our nationality, and regardless of whether we are male or female, young or old, we all must believe that we are God-men. We are all God-men, and each one of us is a God-man.
A. Born of God to Be His Sons
The first qualification of the God-men is that they are born of God to be His many sons (John 1:12-13; Heb. 2:10). Originally, we were merely created men. After being created, we became fallen sinners. We were not sons of God. But praise Him, according to His eternal economy, four thousand years after He created Adam, God came out of eternity and entered into time, and He became a man. This man is Jesus Christ. In the past two thousand years of human history, Jesus Christ as the God-man has influenced the entire world. Today He is still doing the same thing, but He is doing it not by Himself alone but by thousands and even millions of God-men, who are the mass reproduction of Him as the prototype.
Although we are of different races and nationalities, by His mercy we have all become the same: we are all God-men. A God-man is one who has been born of God. In Christianity there is a theology that tells people that we believers became sons of God not by birth but by adoption. According to this theology, we were not born of God but were merely adopted by God. However, according to the Scriptures, we, the believers in Christ, were all born of God to be His sons. As the sons of God, surely we are God-men. We are the same as the One of whom we were born. It would be impossible to be born of God and not be the sons of God. Since we are the sons of God, we are God-men.
B. Having the Divine Life
As sons of God and as God-men, we have the divine life (John 3:15, 36a). Many Christians realize that they have eternal life, yet they do not know what eternal life is. Furthermore, they do not know what the divine life is. They do not know that, as regenerated ones, they have another life in addition to their own human life. We all need to realize that in addition to our natural life, we have another life, the divine life. The natural life makes us a natural man, and the divine life makes us a divine man. We all can boast that we are divine persons because we have been born of the divine life. Since we have been born of the divine life and possess the divine life, surely we are divine persons. We have been born of the divine life; therefore, we are divine. It is a pity that the majority of regenerated people do not know that they have God’s life in addition to their own life. Our own life is a human life; thus, we are all human. But through regeneration we have received another life, which has been added to our natural life. This life is not only holy and heavenly but also divine. Thus, we have all become divine.
Although we are divine men, we need to ask ourselves whether we live, act, and behave ourselves as divine men. Some of us may feel that we are not qualified to be even a human man, not to mention a divine man. Because of our poor behavior, we may consider ourselves “turtles” and not men. Nevertheless, because we have been born of God and have the divine life, we can say that we are not only higher than the turtles, but we are even much higher than the top human beings. We may feel that we are not qualified to say this, but actually we are more than qualified. My burden in these messages is to help you to see a vision from the heavens. Do not look at yourself. We are not worthwhile to look at. We must look away to the heavens. In the heavens the angels are rejoicing because they see that all the believers are divine. The angels have only the angelic life; they are not divine. What an honor and what a glory that we human beings can be divine!
In our recent crystallization-study of the Epistle of James, I pointed out that the Christian perfection stressed by James is not the genuine Christian perfection revealed in the entire divine revelation of the New Testament. I said that the perfection stressed by James is a pretense and is the product of self-cultivation, by the natural life endeavoring to develop the “bright virtue” in the man of the old creation. This is in contrast with the genuine Christian perfection, which is produced by the believers with the rich element of all that Christ is, by the bountiful supply of the all-inclusive consummated Spirit, and through the power of Christ’s resurrection and the death of Christ’s cross. The Bible, according to God’s economy, teaches all God’s chosen ones, who have believed in Christ and have been regenerated by the Spirit and who have become the God-men, to be divine persons (Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:19-21a).
C. Having the Divine Nature
As those who are born of God, the God-men have not only the divine life but also the divine nature. Thank God that in the Bible, among the sixty-six books, there is one verse, 2 Peter 1:4, that says that we are partakers of the divine nature, which is the nature of God. We should mark such a verse in our Bibles so that whenever we open the Bible, that verse will stand out. We are not turtles, because we do not have the turtle nature. We are men, for we do have the human nature. But we have also been born of God; we are God’s sons, God’s children. Thus, we have God’s nature. Since we have God’s nature, are we not God? In fact, we are God in His life and His nature, but not in His Godhead.
D. Having Two Lives, Human and Divine, Living Together as One Life
As God-men, we also have two lives, human and divine, living together as one life. We may wonder how two lives could live together as one life. The answer is very simple. In grafting, a branch from one tree is grafted into another tree. The two are joined together, and the two lives live together as one life. In the same principle, we, the believers, have been grafted into Christ (Rom. 11:17-19) and are living in an organic union with Him. In such a union the human life and the divine life are joined as one so that they live together as one mingled life and one living.
E. Having Two Natures, Humanity and Divinity
The God-men not only have two lives, but they also have two natures, humanity and divinity. This is marvelous. Today’s Christianity makes God’s salvation merely a religion. Religion does not teach people to be God-men by receiving God into them. Religion always cultivates man’s natural capacity in order to build up the self. Education does the same thing; it merely builds up the human being. Apparently, the Bible also does this, but actually it does not. The Bible does not build up the natural man; rather, it builds up a God-man. We are born of God, and we are children of God. The Bible builds us up to be proper God-men.
My burden in the Lord’s ministry is not to build you up to be a nice man, a good man, or a gentle man, but to be a God-man. I have given thousands of messages on how to be a Christ-man, a God-man. In the Lord’s recovery our teaching is not to raise up good men. Our teaching, absolutely according to the Bible, is to raise up God-men.
Eventually, the Bible builds up a corporate man. Ultimately, this corporate man will be enlarged to be its consummation, the New Jerusalem. The issue of the Bible’s teaching is just one entity, the New Jerusalem as the aggregate of all the God-men.
We need to know by seeing that we have God’s life and possess God’s nature. There is such a fact that the divine life is mingled with our human life. Therefore, we must learn how to live not by our human life but by God’s life mingling with our human life to make us divine.
F. The Human Life (the Old Man) Being Crucified for the Living of the Divine Life with the Resurrected Human Life (the New Man)
Our human life (the old man) has been crucified for the living of the divine life with the resurrected human life (the new man) (Gal. 2:20a; Eph. 4:22-24). Our old man, the natural man, should not be cultivated. Rather, it should be cut off; it should be crucified. It has been crucified already with Christ on the cross (Rom. 6:6). Christ has crucified all His believers so that His believers may live not by the crucified life but by the divine life in a humanity that is resurrected. Now the divine life is living not in the natural humanity but in the resurrected humanity. That is the new man. We all need to see such a vision. Because I have seen this, I always hate my own humility. I hate my humility much more than my pride, because both my pride and my humility belong to the old man. We should always be reminded that our old man was crucified. Then, in regeneration our natural humanity was resurrected. Regeneration is a resurrection (cf. Acts 13:33). To be regenerated is to be resurrected with the divine life. Therefore, today we should live a life conformed to the death of Christ (Phil. 3:10) that the divine life may have an opportunity to live with our resurrected humanity.
G. For the Manifestation of God in the Flesh as the New Man
This is for the manifestation of God in the flesh as the new man (1 Tim. 3:16; Eph. 2:15). First Timothy 3:16 says, “And confessedly, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was manifested in the flesh.” According to the context of this verse, godliness here refers not only to piety but also to the living of God in the church, that is, to God as life lived out in the church. Godliness means that God becomes man and man becomes God. This is a great mystery in the universe. God has become man so that man may become God to produce a corporate God-man for the manifestation of God in the flesh as the new man.
H. Growing Up for the Purpose of Building Up the Organic Body of Christ for the Fulfillment of the Eternal Economy of God
This corporate God-man grows up for the purpose of building up the organic Body of Christ for the fulfillment of the eternal economy of God (Eph. 4:12-13, 15-16). The manifestation of God is possible by the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is just the manifestation of God for the fulfillment of the eternal economy of God. Regardless of how much our natural self can be built up, and regardless of how much our natural capacity can be cultivated, we can never be the manifestation of God, and we can never be a part of the Body of Christ. This must be the responsibility of the God-men. The God-men are born of God to have God’s life and God’s nature, to live by a mingled life in a mingled nature, to build up the Body of Christ as God’s manifestation. This is the revelation of the Bible. The natural concept we have received from human philosophy and religion is not the revelation of the Bible. The Bible does not teach this. The Bible teaches that a man must be born of God to be a God-man, and this God-man must be raised up, must grow up. Then the God-men know how to build up themselves to be the Body of Christ for the manifestation of God and for the fulfillment of God’s economy.
The Bible never says that there are many new men. The Bible tells us that there is only one new man (Eph. 2:15). This one new man is not an individual; he is a corporate man, and this corporate new man is the aggregate of all the God-men. When we put all the God-men together, we have one man. This one man is called “the new man” (Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10), referring to the new mankind. Adam was the old mankind. All his descendants are one with him to be the old man. Today we, the believers in Christ, are all one with Christ to be the new man.
A. Created by Christ
The new man was created by Christ (Eph. 2:15). To understand how the new man was created, we need a detailed definition. We were born the old man. One day we heard about the Lord Jesus and we believed in Him, and we received Him into us. He is the very embodiment of God (Col. 2:9). This means that when the Lord Jesus entered into us, God came into us; God was imparted into us. On the one hand, the divine element was brought into our being, and on the other hand, Christ terminated our old nature on the cross. Hence, Christ terminated our old nature and imparted God into us as the new element. By these two things Christ created us to be the new man. To create us, the sinners, to be the new man, our natural person, our natural being, had to be crossed out, and God Himself had to be imparted into us. This is the constitution of the new man.
B. With the Jews and the Gentiles as the Materials
According to Ephesians 2:15, Christ used the Jews and the Gentiles as the materials in His creating of the new man. Christ created the new man by imparting the divine nature into the redeemed humanity of the believing Jews and Gentiles.
C. In Himself as the Divine Element
Ephesians 2:15 says, “…that He [Christ] might create the two in Himself into one new man.” The new man was created in Christ as the divine element. When we were the old man, we had the human element but did not have the divine element. Since God Himself has been imparted and added into us, we now have the divine element in us. Since we have the divine element, we have become something new. This new thing in its totality is the new man.
D. Through His Death on the Cross
The new man was created through Christ’s death on the cross. Thousands of Christians have read Ephesians 2:15; 4:24; and Colossians 3:10, and they have seen the term the new man according to the letter, but they do not know what the new man is. Our becoming the new man was not merely a matter of our repenting and being sorry for our past and thereby becoming new. This is the teaching of Confucius; it is not the teaching of the Bible. In the creating of the new man, first our natural man was crucified by Christ on the cross, and then through the crossing out of the old man, Christ imparted God’s element into us. Thus, we became an entity that is different from the old man, because we have God’s element in us.
Ephesians 2:15 tells us that Christ did this creating work on the cross. We usually consider that Christ’s work on the cross was related only to negative things, to cross us out, to crucify us. But Ephesians 2:15 tells us that on the cross Christ did something positive, to generate us, not to put us to death. This divine thought is clearly seen in Ephesians 2:15. The cross of Christ not only destroys and kills; it also generates and brings in something divine.
The new man was created by Christ with two kinds of materials. The first is the redeemed created man; the second is the divine element. On the cross Christ put these two materials together to produce a new man. If a grain of wheat is sown into the earth, on the one hand the grain of wheat will die. While it is dying, it is growing. The death of the grain of wheat brings forth a new plant. What was once only a grain of wheat eventually becomes a new plant that bears many grains of wheat (John 12:24). Through the death of the grain of wheat, the grain of wheat is terminated. At the same time, something is germinated that grows up to be a new plant. This is an illustration of what was accomplished in Christ’s death. While He was on the cross, Christ was terminating, and He was also begetting.
First Peter 1:3 says that God the Father begot us through Christ’s resurrection. According to this view, we were crucified on the cross and were germinated in Christ’s resurrection. Thus, it may seem incorrect to say that Christ begot us on the cross. However, we should never separate resurrection from the cross. Christ’s death is always linked to His resurrection. His death brings in resurrection. In John 12:24 the Lord Jesus said, “Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” The one grain of wheat falls into the earth to die, but this death causes the grain to grow and become a hundred grains of wheat. In the death of the one grain we can see two things: the dying of the grain of wheat and the bringing forth of a new life. Similarly, when we receive Christ into us as our Savior and life, He is always with His death and resurrection.
Furthermore, the Lord’s resurrection includes His death. His death power is implied and included in His resurrection. His resurrection cannot be separated from His death. When we receive Him as our life, that life is resurrection (John 11:25), and in that life there is also the element of death. On the one hand, it imparts life to us, and at the same time, it crucifies us. Therefore, to be a believer as a God-man is not to cultivate anything of our natural life. We must realize that we have received Christ as our life (Col. 3:4a), and this life is in resurrection. Moreover, in that resurrection there is continually a putting to death.
We all know from our experience that the more we pray to the Lord, the more we contact the Lord, the more we allow the Lord to impart Himself into us, on the one hand, the more we become spiritually alive, and on the other hand, the more we desire to terminate our old self. After our proper prayer, the issue is always that we become living and at the same time are put to death. This kind of experience produces the new man. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 2:15 that Christ created the Jews and the Gentiles together on the cross into one new man. Therefore, Christ’s crucifixion was a creating.
E. To Be the One New Man for the Body of Christ
The one new man is for the Body of Christ (Eph. 2:16). To build up the Body, the God-men as the constituents of the new man must be raised up by growing up (Eph. 4:15). The spiritual raising up is not like the natural cultivation. It is to raise up the God-men to grow unto maturity, so that these God-men will do the work of building up the Body of Christ (vv. 12, 16).
F. Having the Believers as His Constituents, Who Are Christ and in Whom Is Christ
The constituents of the new man are the believers, the God-men, who are Christ and in whom is Christ (Col. 3:10-11). According to Colossians 3:11, Christ is all the members of the new man and in all the members. He is everything in the new man. Actually, He is the new man, His Body (1 Cor. 12:12). In the new man He is the centrality and universality. He is the constituent of the new man, and He is all in all in the new man.
G. To Be the Corporate Christ
All the God-men are the corporate Christ. This corporate Christ is in all the constituents, the members, of the new man. This means that the new man, as the totality of the God-men, becomes the corporate Christ. What kind of teaching could cause us to become Christ and even the corporate Christ? Only the teaching of the Bible. The Bible teaches the God-men to constitute the new man, and the new man is the corporate Christ.
H. By the Believers Putting Off the Old Man and Putting On the New Man through the Renewing of the Spirit in Their Mind
The new man was created by Christ, but the believers need to partake of this creation. To bring forth this new man, first Christ’s creating work on His cross was needed. Christ has already accomplished that work. In addition, every day we need to put off the old man and put on the new man through the renewing of the spirit in our mind (Eph. 4:22-24).
Our spirit is mingled with the divine Spirit (Rom. 8:16). Today our spirit is not a single spirit; it is a mingled spirit. This mingled spirit can enter into our mind. By our loving the Lord, by our praying to the Lord, and by our reading the Bible, our mind is filled with the mingled spirit. This changes and renews our mind. Our renewed mind then becomes a renewing mind. After I was saved I began to love the Lord, to pray to Him, and to read His Word year after year. This brought the mingled spirit into my mind, and this mingled spirit within me changed my mind, my view, and my thinking. Such a changed mind renews our entire being. This is to complete Christ’s creating of the new man.
Christ created the new man, but this creating has not yet been consummated. Christ has created us to be a new man, but after we are saved, we need to partake of this creation by putting off the old man and putting on the new man by having our mind filled with our mingled spirit. All these words are a heavenly language; they have nothing to do with philosophy or human logic. This is the divine revelation from the Bible. We all need to see this. Because I have seen this, no one can change me in my vision.
I. To Be the New Creation of God
The new man, created by Christ on the cross and consummated by our putting off the old man and putting on the new man through the renewing of our mind by the mingled spirit, eventually becomes the new creation of God. The God-men constitute the new man, and the new man eventually becomes the new creation.
1. In Christ as the Element
The new creation is in Christ as the element (2 Cor. 5:17). The very Christ is the element, the factor, of the new creation.
2. As the Unique Accomplishment in God’s Economy
The new creation is the unique accomplishment in God’s economy (Gal. 6:15). The consummate point of God’s economy is the new creation. This new creation eventually becomes the New Jerusalem as the ultimate consummation of God’s divine work (Rev. 21:2) carried out through four ages of humanity by God Himself in Christ and through the Spirit as the Triune God. By God in Christ through the Spirit in our spirit, this new creation is consummated to be the New Jerusalem. This will show God’s wisdom, as a shame to God’s enemy Satan in his cosmos (Eph. 3:10).
In this chapter we have covered three main things: the God-men, the new man, and the new creation. The God-men are the believers in Christ, who are reborn of God to be His sons. These sons possess God’s divine life and His divine nature. They live by this divine life with this divine nature to constitute the new man.
According to the Bible the new man was created by Christ on the cross and is consummated by the Spirit in our spirit. Christ created the new man in His death. In His death He terminated the old, fallen man and redeemed the original man created by God. At the same time He released the divine life from within Him and imparted this divine life into the redeemed humanity. The new man was created in this way. However, according to the Bible, the new man still must be consummated. The new man is consummated by the Spirit, who is the reality of Christ’s resurrection, which is a continuation of His death. Such a Spirit works in the believers to put off the old man, which Christ crucified on the cross, and to put on the new man, which Christ brought forth by imparting Himself as life into the redeemed humanity. The Spirit consummates what Christ created as the new man, in the way of renewing the believers by putting off the old man and putting on the new man through the renewing of their mind, which is saturated by the Spirit in their spirit, which becomes the mingled spirit in their mind to renew their entire person. Today in the universe there is such a man, on the one hand constituted of the God-men, and on the other hand created by Christ through His death and consummated by the Spirit through the renewing within the believers.
This new man needs to work, to move, and to carry out something. To do this, the new man needs a new universe. This new universe is the new creation. The new man is the person to carry out something in the new creation as the new universe. In this new universe, which is the new creation, the new man as a corporate person, the enlarged and corporate Christ, brings forth the Body of Christ, which is the very good pleasure and heart’s desire of God. This one Body of Christ consummates the New Jerusalem as God’s ultimate goal to fulfill God’s eternal economy.
For the past nineteen centuries thousands of Bible lovers have studied the Bible. If they were asked what the Bible teaches, they would give many different answers. What I have presented to you in this chapter is the highest standard of what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches only five things: the God-men, the new man, the new creation, the Body of Christ, and the New Jerusalem. The first three—the God-men, the new man, and the new creation—are the factors to bring forth one object of two aspects—the Body of Christ and the New Jerusalem. The God-men, the new man, and the new creation are for the producing of the Body of Christ, which will consummate the New Jerusalem as God’s ultimate goal. This is the real and intrinsic understanding of what the Bible teaches.
In the past seventy-three years, from 1922 until the present, the Lord in His recovery has used us to develop the intrinsic understanding of His Word. In these seventy-three years Brother Watchman Nee’s ministry occupied the first thirty years, from 1922 to 1952, the year he was imprisoned. During that period Brother Nee laid a very good foundation. From 1952 until today, a period of forty-three years, we, the co-workers of Brother Nee, have continued to develop what he laid as a foundation. In the past two years we have reached the ultimate consummation of our development. This development consummates in the God-men, the new man, the new creation, the Body of Christ, and the New Jerusalem. This is the conclusion of our seventy-three years of labor on this Holy Book. I believe that nothing could be higher than this. In the past two years I have been occupied with this day and night. To release this high revelation, there is a need to put out the crystallization-study of the holy Word.
The intrinsic content of the teaching of the Bible is the God-men, the new man, the new creation, the Body of Christ, and the New Jerusalem. In this chapter we have covered the first three of these items—the God-men, the new man, and the new creation. We need to receive a clear impression that we believers are the God-born God-men to grow in order to constitute the new man. The new man was created by Christ through His death and is consummated by the Spirit through His renewing. This new man becomes a person to move and work out God’s purpose in a new universe, that is, the new creation.
Source: God-Men, The, by Witness Lee
Scripture Reading: Gal. 2:20; Heb. 11:1
Today we will read only Galatians 2:20 and Hebrews 11:1. During the past few days, we have seen that the overcoming life is simply Christ Himself. The overcoming life is not an improvement or advancement in ourselves, and it is not a self-effort to strive to become like Christ. Victory is Christ living within us; that is, it is Christ overcoming for us. He has died for us on the cross to save us. Today He is living within us to overcome for us. During the past few days, we have seen the conditions for overcoming. The first condition is to surrender, and the second condition is to believe. We believe that the Son of God lives within us, and we believe that He is living out His victory from within us. Yesterday, we saw the meaning of surrendering. Today we will see the meaning of believing. I am afraid that many people have surrendered, but they are not victorious because they still have not believed. Therefore, we must remember that we cannot overcome if we have surrendered but have not believed. To surrender is only the negative side of the matter. We still need to believe; this is the positive side. If we surrender on the negative side and believe on the positive side, we will overcome.
There was a brother from Chefoo who once went to Shanghai. He went home to tell others that he had surrendered, but that he still had not overcome. He felt as terrible as he did before. He even lost his temper in his place of work. I told him that surrendering is not the same as overcoming, because surrendering is merely the negative aspect. Believing is equally important. He took that word, and eventually he overcame. In the last meeting, he praised God and proclaimed that for the first time, he had nothing to boast of and that everything was of God.
Brothers and sisters, please remember that the condition for victory is not merely surrendering. One does not overcome merely by surrendering. After surrendering, one must believe in a definite way. When one surrenders and then believes, he will overcome.
What was Paul's experience? How did he overcome? First, he surrendered. He said, "I am crucified with Christ." He had already experienced that it was "no longer I," but he went on to say, "The life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith in the Son of God." This means that he believed that Christ lived in him and that He loved him and gave Himself up for him.
Many people have surrendered, but they have not overcome because they have not believed. If they do not believe, nothing will work. Today I will talk about the meaning of faith, but I cannot talk about it in detail. I can only speak about it briefly. I will point out the great relationship between faith and victory.
Everything recorded in the Bible has been accomplished by God for us. God has accomplished everything for us. In our January conference of last year, we mentioned three things that God has given us: First, there is the covenant which God has given us. Second, there are the facts which He has accomplished for us. Third, there are the promises He has given us. These three things include all of God's work for us. We spoke about these three things when we were on the subject of the new covenant. Today I will not say much about them. A promise is something God will do for us; it is something that He will do in the future. A fact is something that God has accomplished in Christ; it is something that God has done already. Today I will talk about God's fact and His promise.
Many people do not know what God's fact is. The Lord Jesus has died for all men on the cross; He has died for the whole world. This is God's fact. But how many people are saved? Only those who believe are saved. Since Christ has died for the whole world, is it inconsequential whether or not a person believes? Is one saved whether or not he believes? Is it the same whether or not one believes, since Christ has died for all and since this has become God's fact? This is the way many Christians think when they say that Christ is living within them. Christ is the Head and we are the Body. The way the Head feels, controls, manages, and takes responsibility should be the same way Christians feel, control, manage, and take responsibility. How many Christians today see that the Lord Jesus is the Head? Is it Christ who is feeling or we who are feeling? Is it Christ who is controlling or we who are controlling? Is it Christ who is managing or we who are managing? Is it Christ taking charge or we who are taking charge? What is our problem? The problem is that we do not have faith.
Some brothers and sisters say that they have faith in Christ being the Head, but they do not have faith in the Head taking up all the responsibilities. Many people cannot believe; they do not know what faith means. The Bible says that the Lord is the vine and we are the branches (John 15:5). It does not say that He will be our vine and we will be His branches. It does not matter whether or not we believe, He is always the vine, and we are always the branches. However, those who believe will have the experience of the juice flowing through them, and they will experience fruit in their work. The Lord's life does not flow through those who do not believe; they have to struggle to work and to bear fruit. If we tell them that the Lord is the vine and we are the branches, they may ask why they cannot work or bear fruit. They cannot because they do not have faith. Since the Lord is the vine and we are the branches, they may respond that it does not matter whether or not one believes and that God's fact is always God's fact. Those who say this do not know the meaning of faith.
Hebrews 11:1 speaks of the importance of faith. This is the only verse in the whole Bible that gives the definition of faith. "Now faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." There are many ways to translate the word "substantiation." It is a difficult word to translate from Greek to English. The word "substantiation" means the capacity to make something real. For example, we have the shape of the lamps, the color of the walls, and the sound of the organ. How can these shapes, colors, and sounds become real to us? The only thing that proves the existence of color is our eyes. Here is a picture in beautiful green, red, and yellow colors, but the beautiful colors can only be substantiated through the eyes. Without the eyes, the colors could not be substantiated no matter how beautiful they are. The sound of the organ is very beautiful, but it can only be substantiated by the ears. A deaf person will not be able to substantiate sound. The eyes cannot substantiate sound, and hands cannot substantiate sound. Only the ears can substantiate sound. Different objects have different shapes: some are cubic, while others are spherical, flat, triangular, or curved. One can only substantiate these shapes by the vision of the eyes or the touch of the hands. Therefore, it is one thing for objects to exist, and it is another thing for the existence of these things to be substantiated. There are millions of objects on the earth, but all of them are dependent upon a certain ability in order to be substantiated. The same is true with faith.
Here is a painting with mountains, water, flowers, grass, and trees. The scenery is beautiful, and if you have eyes, you can appreciate the beauty of the painting and tell others about it. But suppose a person was born blind and has never seen color his whole life. If you tell him about red and that it is attractive, he will ask, "What is red?" You may tell him about green and that it is lovely, but he will ask, "What is green?" You can only say that red is red and green is green. Although the painting exists, he cannot appreciate how wonderful it is. Although the scenery in the picture is wonderful, there is no way he can enjoy this wonder.
We have a sister here who can play the piano very well. Those who have ears and understand music can appreciate the music that she plays. However, those who are deaf or do not understand music cannot testify to the beauty of the music. The same is true of our faith. All of God's facts are real. However, these facts of God can only be substantiated by faith, because faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
A nice painting may have beautiful scenery, but a blind man cannot see it. However, one cannot say that the painting does not exist because he has not seen it. The painting exists as a fact. Whether or not one sees, it is still a painting, and the beautiful colors are still present. The question is whether or not you have received the benefit from the painting. Those with sight will find enjoyment from the painting; they will receive the benefit from it. The Lord has died and shed His blood on the cross for all men. This is a fact. But some have the faith to substantiate this fact of the Lord's death, and they receive the benefit from it. Some do not have the faith. The death of the Lord on the cross is still a fact, but they are unable to experience it.
Brothers and sisters, do you see the importance of faith? We need faith to substantiate a spiritual fact just as we need eyes, ears, and hands to substantiate physical objects. In spiritual matters, we need faith to substantiate the reality of everything. The hand substantiates the shape of objects, and the ear perceives sound, but the hand cannot feel nor can the ear hear colors. Colors can only be substantiated by the eyes. This is also true with spiritual matters. For example, the Lord is the Head and we are the members. This union is a fact, and there is no possibility of any separation. In the same way, the Lord is the vine and we are the branches, and there is no possibility of separation. If we believe this, we will receive the benefit of this fact. Some people confess that the Lord is the vine and we are the branches. But they do not have the juice, the life. They cannot bear fruit because they do not have faith.
What is faith? It is not a mental understanding of a truth. It is the seeing of a fact and the substantiation of it. We have heard that the Lord has died on the cross and shed His blood for our redemption. We may even agree with others that the Lord has died on the cross and shed His blood for our redemption. We have also heard that the Lord is the vine and we are the branches, and we may agree with others that He is the vine and we are the branches. We have heard that the Lord Jesus is our life and living within us, and we may even agree with others that He is our life and living within us. Yet this alone cannot substantiate these facts. Brothers and sisters, we may have put ourselves aside and have already realized that we are powerless and useless. We may have already let go, but these are only the things we should do on the negative side. On the positive side, we should still substantiate Christ. This is a wonderful thing! It only takes a second, and the accomplished facts of Christ will be substantiated in us.
Here is a beautiful painting. How do you know that it is beautiful? You know it because you have seen it. How do you know about all the riches in Christ? You know because you have seen them. Colossians says that we are made full in Christ. How do we know that we are made full in Christ? We know because we have seen Him. When we look at ourselves, we do not see any fullness. But we are told that we are made full in Christ. Are we made full in Christ yet? The Lord has given us all the fullness and given us grace upon grace. Do we have them yet? It is not a question of whether we have them in our head but whether or not we have such a faith in our heart.
Ephesians 1:3 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ." There is no doubt that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ. But where are these blessings? Brothers and sisters, the main question hinges on faith; we have to believe that God's Word is true. This is so simple, and there is nothing more to say about it.
What is faith? Let us consider this matter from the Lord's view. A great failure among Christians is that they cannot believe. Believing is substantiating the facts. Once we see something, we substantiate it. Once we believe, we substantiate the facts, and we have it.
There was an Englishman called Mr. Webpeblo whose daughter died one day. When he returned from his daughter's funeral, he considered what the subject of his sermon should be the next day. He thought, "My daughter is dead, and the congregation knows that I am heartbroken. I must give a sermon to comfort them." He chose the text of 2 Corinthians 12:9 as his subject: "My grace is sufficient for you." He divided his sermon into sections and subsections according to the Scripture. Then he knelt down and prayed for God's blessing. But while he was praying, he asked himself, "Is God's grace sufficient for me? If His grace is not sufficient for me, how can I say that it is? I say that God's grace is sufficient, but if I sorrow and grieve over my daughter's death, God's grace is not sufficient for me. I cannot lie." He thought of changing the subject, but there was no time to do it. He decided that he would just pray for God to make His grace sufficient for him. He prayed, "God, make Your grace sufficient for me. O Lord, make Your grace sufficient for me." He prayed for a long time, but nothing availed. He did not know what he should do. At that moment, he lifted up his eyes and saw the same verse on the mantel. It was a verse that his mother had placed there while he was away for the funeral. The verse was printed in three colors. The words My and you were printed in blue; the word sufficient was printed in red. All the other letters were printed in black. Suddenly, God's light dawned on him, and he confessed before the Lord, saying, "God, You said that Your grace is sufficient for me, but I said that Your grace is not sufficient for me. You have said that Your grace is sufficient for me, but I am still asking for Your grace to be sufficient for me." He confessed his sin and thanked and praised the Lord, saying, "Your grace is sufficient for me. There is no need for me to pray for anything any longer." He was filled with joy and thanksgiving. There was no need for him to pray any longer. The next day on the platform, he delivered the best sermon of his life. When someone asked him about the source of his power, he answered that it came after his daughter's funeral. From that day on he was different, because he had learned to believe.
The problem today is that we have heard that the Lord Jesus is the Head, yet we still pray for Him to be our Head. Why would we not rather thank and praise Him, saying, "Lord, You are the Head"? If we would do this, the fact would be substantiated immediately.
A brother once said, "Mr. Nee, you have spoken so much, but I have not received anything." I answered that it was because he was merely listening to my speaking; he should instead go to the Lord and ask Him to speak to him. That evening he prayed to God, saying, "God, make me overcome. Lord, make me victorious. Lord, I have a bad temper; help me to overcome." While he was praying, he recalled the prayer of the leper who prayed to the Lord, saying, "If You are willing, You can cleanse me." He prayed accordingly, "Lord, if You are willing, my temper will go away." At that point, he realized that if the Lord was willing, there was nothing more to pray about. The Lord has accomplished everything, and He is willing; everything is done.
Brothers and sisters, all that we have to do is believe 2 Corinthians 12:9 or Luke 18:27. As long as we believe the words "I am willing," everything will be all right. Once we have the "I am willing," problems are behind us and tempers are no more. Even if our wives are dying from sickness, as long as the Lord has said, "I am willing," everything will be all right. This is the meaning of believing. Believing is not asking for something; it is not asking for God to do something that He has already promised to do.
Once a brother was speaking on the subject of overcoming. After his message, he invited the brothers and sisters to ask any questions that they might have. He noticed that a young sister was weeping in her seat but would not stand up to ask anything. Another older lady stood up and asked, "For the past few years, I have been praying for victory but have never experienced it. What is wrong?" The brother answered, "Nothing. You have prayed too much. If you change your prayer into praise, everything will be well." After this, another man stood up and said, "I have been seeking victory for eleven years but have not overcome. That lady's question and your answer enlightened me, and now I have it." The brother then walked over to the side of the young sister and asked how she was doing. The girl answered that she also became clear after hearing the question and the answer. This is the meaning of faith.
Brothers and sisters, please remember that letting go is not all. If you do not have faith, you will not substantiate the facts. The color of a painting can be substantiated only by the eyes, the sound of an organ can be substantiated only by the ears, and the texture of an object can be substantiated only by the hands. In the same way, God's Word and His promises can be substantiated only by faith. We do not have to hesitantly pray to God, saying, "Lord, be my victory, be my life, and be my sanctification." Rather, we should say to Him, "God, You are my victory. I thank and praise You because You are my life and You are my sanctification. I thank and praise You!"
Brothers and sisters, we encounter temptations all the time. Many difficulties confront us and harsh words fall on our ears. Should we pray for God to give us the strength to overcome? No, we should say, "Lord, I thank and praise You because You are my victory! Lord, You are overcoming for me. I thank and praise You that You are withstanding everything for me. Thank You that You are my Head and I am Your member. You are the vine and I am a branch. You are supplying me everything." He is already supplying us everything according to His word!
When we were saved, we received one word out of the thousands that the Lord spoke. Some people were saved through John 3:16. Others were saved through John 5:24. Still others were saved through Romans 10:10. As long as we have one word from the Lord, we are saved. The same is true with victory; all we need is just one out of His many words. The brother mentioned earlier overcame through just three words: "I am willing." Some overcome through 2 Corinthians 12:9, while others overcome through Romans 6:14. Still others overcome through 1 Corinthians 1:30.
Now we need to ask what faith is not. Faith is not hope. Those who have hope do not necessarily have faith. When you talk to others about overcoming and ask whether they have overcome, you know that they do not have faith if they answer, "I hope I will overcome." This is like talking to someone about salvation. If he tells you that he hopes to be saved, you know that he does not have the faith yet. Some people constantly hope that the Lord will save them, and they constantly hope that the Lord will help them overcome. Some people constantly pray and ask the Lord to make them overcome. Some people constantly wait for the Lord to make them overcome. Some people say that they have surrendered and believed, but they are still waiting to see whether it will work. If they want to wait and see whether this works, it will never work, because faith is not hope.
A brother once asked me whether a person who has overcome should try to constantly remember that the Lord is his victory. He said, "I have over twenty workers working in my factory. I have to supervise them, but I easily forget about things. I am the supervisor over many girls. Every day, from morning until 8:00 in the evening, many things happen to them. How can I always remember that the Lord is my victory? If I cannot remember, am I still victorious?" I asked, "When you are in your factory, do you remember that you have two eyes?" He said, "No." I asked, "When you leave the factory, do you have to touch your eyes with your hands to make sure that they are there?" He said, "Of course not." It does not matter whether he remembered his eyes. The only thing that mattered was whether his eyes were truly there. Thank and praise the Lord, the overcoming life is not a matter of us remembering the Lord, but a matter of the Lord remembering us. It would be great hardship on us if we were required to remember the Lord. Thank and praise the Lord that He remembers us!
Some people are not hoping, praying, or waiting, but they are looking for feelings. A sister said that she has surrendered and believed that the Lord is living in her, but that she dare not say that she has overcome. This is because from the day she received the Lord Jesus as her victory, she never had any feeling about it. Brothers and sisters, believing is having absolute faith in something; feeling does not play any part in this. Feeling has nothing to do with what a picture looks like; it only takes the eyes to see. There may be some occasions when feelings are useful. However, feelings are useless in understanding the things of God. The hand can only touch things and sense their temperature; it cannot see a picture. Spiritual things can only be substantiated by faith; they cannot be substantiated by feelings. We overcome because of the Word of God. God speaks, and it is done. This is not a matter of feeling some kind of strength or experiencing some exuberant sensation for a few days. In order to overcome, there only needs to be one word from the Lord.
This morning, a brother mentioned his problem. He had already surrendered and believed, but he dared not say that he had overcome. Satan was still accusing him. Something happened yesterday which seemed to tell him that he had backslidden. He began to doubt whether his victory was real. I said to him, "Suppose I sold the garden in back of my house to you and wrote a contract for it. If someone else comes and says that the plot of land is his, what will you do?" In such a situation, there are two things that he could do. The first thing would be to believe the contract and believe that everything mentioned in the contract was his. The second would be to believe my word and believe that since my words were true, the other man's words must be false. The question was whose word he would choose to believe. If he chose to believe that man's word, he would have to allow the man to remain on the land. But if he chose to believe my words, he should tell the man to leave, and the man would have to leave immediately. God's promise and His Word are trustworthy. If you say that your temper and pride are real, you make God's Word unreliable. If you do not have faith, your temper and pride will become real. But if you have faith, all these things will be driven away.
God has given us a covenant which says that meekness is ours, patience is ours, and love, temperance, and everything in Christ are ours. But when you lose your temper again, and your pride, uncleanness, and failures come back, what should you do? If you believe God's Word, you should say, "God, I thank and praise You because I can be meek, patient, humble, loving, and temperate. I can be all these because Christ is living in me." As long as you grasp hold of God's Word, the things you fear will go away.
The greatest problem among God's children today is that they cannot believe God's Word. It is not that hard to ask them to let go. Since they have let go, it should be an easy thing for them to believe. Brothers and sisters, please come before the presence of the Lord. After you have let go, you should have the faith that you will get through.
A sister had let go completely and committed everything to the Lord. I asked her whether she had overcome, and she answered that she was not sure. I asked her why, and she said that she had not seen the results yet. I said to her bluntly, "You have committed the greatest sin that man can commit, the sin of unbelief. When you do not believe, it means that you are making God a liar. God has said that you are a branch and that if you let go, the Lord's life will spontaneously flow out of you. However, you are saying that God has not delivered you even though you have let go. You are saying that you have fulfilled your part but God has not fulfilled His part." She denied that this was her intention. Then I told her, "You should say to the Lord, `I thank and praise You because You have given everything to me.'"
Brothers and sisters, please remember that when we believe in the Lord as our Head and our life and believe that we have received everything, everything is indeed ours. Once we believe, all problems are solved. Once we have faith, no obstacle can stop us from victory. Hallelujah! This is salvation. Our believing today is not a work but a substantiation of the facts. We believe that the Lord is the Head, that He lives in us, that He is our life, that He is the vine and we are the branches, and that He is overcoming for us. Once we believe, all the temptations will go away. Once we believe, the Lord will do everything for us. Thank and praise Him that He has done everything!
We have been meeting here for eight or nine days already. I would like to see what is going to happen to all of us. How many of us have let go? How many have not only let go but also believed? First, I would ask those who have let go to raise their hands. Now I would like those who have let go and also believed to raise their hands. There is not much difference between the number of those who raised their hands the first time and the number of those who raised their hands the second time. However, the second time there were a few less hands. Now I will say a little more about the matter of believing.
Brothers and sisters, please remember that God's Word is trustworthy. We are not trusting our own experience. We are not believing our own feelings. We are believing God's Word. God says that the Lord Jesus has not only become our righteousness on the cross, but that Christ has become our sanctification through living within us. Therefore, we can say that Christ is not only our righteousness but also our sanctification. We do not have to feel that Christ is our life, and we do not have to feel that Christ is our sanctification. We believe that He is our life and that He is our sanctification. God's Word is reliable. When God says that Christ is our life, we also say that He is our life. When God says that Christ is our sanctification, we also say that He is our sanctification. When God says that Christ is our victory, we also say that He is our victory. Whatever God says, we believe.
In Chefoo I asked a sister whether or not she had let go, and she answered, "Yes, because God says that I am crucified with Christ." Next I asked her whether she had overcome, and she dared not say whether she had, because she was not sure. I told her frankly, "Sister, God says that Jesus Christ is your life, but you are saying that Jesus Christ may not be your life. God says that Jesus Christ is your sanctification, but you are saying that Jesus Christ may not be your sanctification. God says that His grace is sufficient for you, but you are saying that His grace may not be sufficient for you. Between you and God, one must be lying. Either God is wrong or you are wrong. Do you dare say that God is a liar? God says that Christ is your life, but you are saying that Christ may not be your life. God says that Christ is your sanctification, but you are saying that Christ may not be your sanctification. Are you not saying that God's Word is untrustworthy?" By then, her expression had changed, and she replied immediately, "I do not mean that. I do believe God's Word." Brothers and sisters, if you are still doubting, and if you still wonder whether Christ is your life and whether He is your sanctification, this is not a small thing. I can tell you bluntly that you are making God a liar!
I once talked briefly to a sister in Chefoo before a meeting. Because the time of the meeting was approaching, I asked her quickly whether she had let go. She told me that she had. I then asked whether she had overcome, and she said that she had not but that she knew what her problem was and that it was not a big problem. I realized that I had to go in a few minutes, and I prayed for God to give me the wisdom to say something to her. I said, "You smiled and said casually that you do not have faith. But in God's sight, this is a great sin. It is a great sin to not believe God's Word. God says that Christ is your life and that He is your sanctification. He says that Christ is your victory and that His grace is sufficient for you. But you cannot believe, and you even think lightly of it and brush it away with a smile. Sister, I must tell you that you have committed a great sin! You have to go to the Lord and say, `God, I have not believed Your Word; I have sinned against You. Please forgive me, and remove my evil heart of unbelief. Please remove this sin from me.'"
Some do not believe, but they are still smiling. They think that unbelief is not a great thing. Actually, this is a great sin. This sin is more serious than the sin of adultery or murder. We have to say to God, "Forgive me, for I have sinned against You. Lord, remove my evil heart of unbelief." If we call this unbelief a sin, we will get through. Our faith is based on God's Word. How wonderful is 2 Corinthians 12:9, which says, "My grace is sufficient for you"! How wonderful is 1 Corinthians 1:30, which says, "Christ Jesus...became wisdom to us from God: both righteousness and sanctification and redemption"! How wonderful is Colossians 3:4, which says, "Christ [is] our life"! If we grasp hold of God's Word and believe His Word, all will be well. Even if we have only one verse of the Scripture or one word from the Lord, we will have the assurance, and we will overcome.
Source: Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 2) Vol. 24: The Overcoming Life, by Watchman Nee
Today we will read only Galatians 2:20 and Hebrews 11:1. During the past few days, we have seen that the overcoming life is simply Christ Himself. The overcoming life is not an improvement or advancement in ourselves, and it is not a self-effort to strive to become like Christ. Victory is Christ living within us; that is, it is Christ overcoming for us. He has died for us on the cross to save us. Today He is living within us to overcome for us. During the past few days, we have seen the conditions for overcoming. The first condition is to surrender, and the second condition is to believe. We believe that the Son of God lives within us, and we believe that He is living out His victory from within us. Yesterday, we saw the meaning of surrendering. Today we will see the meaning of believing. I am afraid that many people have surrendered, but they are not victorious because they still have not believed. Therefore, we must remember that we cannot overcome if we have surrendered but have not believed. To surrender is only the negative side of the matter. We still need to believe; this is the positive side. If we surrender on the negative side and believe on the positive side, we will overcome.
There was a brother from Chefoo who once went to Shanghai. He went home to tell others that he had surrendered, but that he still had not overcome. He felt as terrible as he did before. He even lost his temper in his place of work. I told him that surrendering is not the same as overcoming, because surrendering is merely the negative aspect. Believing is equally important. He took that word, and eventually he overcame. In the last meeting, he praised God and proclaimed that for the first time, he had nothing to boast of and that everything was of God.
Brothers and sisters, please remember that the condition for victory is not merely surrendering. One does not overcome merely by surrendering. After surrendering, one must believe in a definite way. When one surrenders and then believes, he will overcome.
What was Paul's experience? How did he overcome? First, he surrendered. He said, "I am crucified with Christ." He had already experienced that it was "no longer I," but he went on to say, "The life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith in the Son of God." This means that he believed that Christ lived in him and that He loved him and gave Himself up for him.
Many people have surrendered, but they have not overcome because they have not believed. If they do not believe, nothing will work. Today I will talk about the meaning of faith, but I cannot talk about it in detail. I can only speak about it briefly. I will point out the great relationship between faith and victory.
Everything recorded in the Bible has been accomplished by God for us. God has accomplished everything for us. In our January conference of last year, we mentioned three things that God has given us: First, there is the covenant which God has given us. Second, there are the facts which He has accomplished for us. Third, there are the promises He has given us. These three things include all of God's work for us. We spoke about these three things when we were on the subject of the new covenant. Today I will not say much about them. A promise is something God will do for us; it is something that He will do in the future. A fact is something that God has accomplished in Christ; it is something that God has done already. Today I will talk about God's fact and His promise.
Many people do not know what God's fact is. The Lord Jesus has died for all men on the cross; He has died for the whole world. This is God's fact. But how many people are saved? Only those who believe are saved. Since Christ has died for the whole world, is it inconsequential whether or not a person believes? Is one saved whether or not he believes? Is it the same whether or not one believes, since Christ has died for all and since this has become God's fact? This is the way many Christians think when they say that Christ is living within them. Christ is the Head and we are the Body. The way the Head feels, controls, manages, and takes responsibility should be the same way Christians feel, control, manage, and take responsibility. How many Christians today see that the Lord Jesus is the Head? Is it Christ who is feeling or we who are feeling? Is it Christ who is controlling or we who are controlling? Is it Christ who is managing or we who are managing? Is it Christ taking charge or we who are taking charge? What is our problem? The problem is that we do not have faith.
Some brothers and sisters say that they have faith in Christ being the Head, but they do not have faith in the Head taking up all the responsibilities. Many people cannot believe; they do not know what faith means. The Bible says that the Lord is the vine and we are the branches (John 15:5). It does not say that He will be our vine and we will be His branches. It does not matter whether or not we believe, He is always the vine, and we are always the branches. However, those who believe will have the experience of the juice flowing through them, and they will experience fruit in their work. The Lord's life does not flow through those who do not believe; they have to struggle to work and to bear fruit. If we tell them that the Lord is the vine and we are the branches, they may ask why they cannot work or bear fruit. They cannot because they do not have faith. Since the Lord is the vine and we are the branches, they may respond that it does not matter whether or not one believes and that God's fact is always God's fact. Those who say this do not know the meaning of faith.
Hebrews 11:1 speaks of the importance of faith. This is the only verse in the whole Bible that gives the definition of faith. "Now faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." There are many ways to translate the word "substantiation." It is a difficult word to translate from Greek to English. The word "substantiation" means the capacity to make something real. For example, we have the shape of the lamps, the color of the walls, and the sound of the organ. How can these shapes, colors, and sounds become real to us? The only thing that proves the existence of color is our eyes. Here is a picture in beautiful green, red, and yellow colors, but the beautiful colors can only be substantiated through the eyes. Without the eyes, the colors could not be substantiated no matter how beautiful they are. The sound of the organ is very beautiful, but it can only be substantiated by the ears. A deaf person will not be able to substantiate sound. The eyes cannot substantiate sound, and hands cannot substantiate sound. Only the ears can substantiate sound. Different objects have different shapes: some are cubic, while others are spherical, flat, triangular, or curved. One can only substantiate these shapes by the vision of the eyes or the touch of the hands. Therefore, it is one thing for objects to exist, and it is another thing for the existence of these things to be substantiated. There are millions of objects on the earth, but all of them are dependent upon a certain ability in order to be substantiated. The same is true with faith.
Here is a painting with mountains, water, flowers, grass, and trees. The scenery is beautiful, and if you have eyes, you can appreciate the beauty of the painting and tell others about it. But suppose a person was born blind and has never seen color his whole life. If you tell him about red and that it is attractive, he will ask, "What is red?" You may tell him about green and that it is lovely, but he will ask, "What is green?" You can only say that red is red and green is green. Although the painting exists, he cannot appreciate how wonderful it is. Although the scenery in the picture is wonderful, there is no way he can enjoy this wonder.
We have a sister here who can play the piano very well. Those who have ears and understand music can appreciate the music that she plays. However, those who are deaf or do not understand music cannot testify to the beauty of the music. The same is true of our faith. All of God's facts are real. However, these facts of God can only be substantiated by faith, because faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
A nice painting may have beautiful scenery, but a blind man cannot see it. However, one cannot say that the painting does not exist because he has not seen it. The painting exists as a fact. Whether or not one sees, it is still a painting, and the beautiful colors are still present. The question is whether or not you have received the benefit from the painting. Those with sight will find enjoyment from the painting; they will receive the benefit from it. The Lord has died and shed His blood on the cross for all men. This is a fact. But some have the faith to substantiate this fact of the Lord's death, and they receive the benefit from it. Some do not have the faith. The death of the Lord on the cross is still a fact, but they are unable to experience it.
Brothers and sisters, do you see the importance of faith? We need faith to substantiate a spiritual fact just as we need eyes, ears, and hands to substantiate physical objects. In spiritual matters, we need faith to substantiate the reality of everything. The hand substantiates the shape of objects, and the ear perceives sound, but the hand cannot feel nor can the ear hear colors. Colors can only be substantiated by the eyes. This is also true with spiritual matters. For example, the Lord is the Head and we are the members. This union is a fact, and there is no possibility of any separation. In the same way, the Lord is the vine and we are the branches, and there is no possibility of separation. If we believe this, we will receive the benefit of this fact. Some people confess that the Lord is the vine and we are the branches. But they do not have the juice, the life. They cannot bear fruit because they do not have faith.
What is faith? It is not a mental understanding of a truth. It is the seeing of a fact and the substantiation of it. We have heard that the Lord has died on the cross and shed His blood for our redemption. We may even agree with others that the Lord has died on the cross and shed His blood for our redemption. We have also heard that the Lord is the vine and we are the branches, and we may agree with others that He is the vine and we are the branches. We have heard that the Lord Jesus is our life and living within us, and we may even agree with others that He is our life and living within us. Yet this alone cannot substantiate these facts. Brothers and sisters, we may have put ourselves aside and have already realized that we are powerless and useless. We may have already let go, but these are only the things we should do on the negative side. On the positive side, we should still substantiate Christ. This is a wonderful thing! It only takes a second, and the accomplished facts of Christ will be substantiated in us.
Here is a beautiful painting. How do you know that it is beautiful? You know it because you have seen it. How do you know about all the riches in Christ? You know because you have seen them. Colossians says that we are made full in Christ. How do we know that we are made full in Christ? We know because we have seen Him. When we look at ourselves, we do not see any fullness. But we are told that we are made full in Christ. Are we made full in Christ yet? The Lord has given us all the fullness and given us grace upon grace. Do we have them yet? It is not a question of whether we have them in our head but whether or not we have such a faith in our heart.
Ephesians 1:3 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ." There is no doubt that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ. But where are these blessings? Brothers and sisters, the main question hinges on faith; we have to believe that God's Word is true. This is so simple, and there is nothing more to say about it.
What is faith? Let us consider this matter from the Lord's view. A great failure among Christians is that they cannot believe. Believing is substantiating the facts. Once we see something, we substantiate it. Once we believe, we substantiate the facts, and we have it.
There was an Englishman called Mr. Webpeblo whose daughter died one day. When he returned from his daughter's funeral, he considered what the subject of his sermon should be the next day. He thought, "My daughter is dead, and the congregation knows that I am heartbroken. I must give a sermon to comfort them." He chose the text of 2 Corinthians 12:9 as his subject: "My grace is sufficient for you." He divided his sermon into sections and subsections according to the Scripture. Then he knelt down and prayed for God's blessing. But while he was praying, he asked himself, "Is God's grace sufficient for me? If His grace is not sufficient for me, how can I say that it is? I say that God's grace is sufficient, but if I sorrow and grieve over my daughter's death, God's grace is not sufficient for me. I cannot lie." He thought of changing the subject, but there was no time to do it. He decided that he would just pray for God to make His grace sufficient for him. He prayed, "God, make Your grace sufficient for me. O Lord, make Your grace sufficient for me." He prayed for a long time, but nothing availed. He did not know what he should do. At that moment, he lifted up his eyes and saw the same verse on the mantel. It was a verse that his mother had placed there while he was away for the funeral. The verse was printed in three colors. The words My and you were printed in blue; the word sufficient was printed in red. All the other letters were printed in black. Suddenly, God's light dawned on him, and he confessed before the Lord, saying, "God, You said that Your grace is sufficient for me, but I said that Your grace is not sufficient for me. You have said that Your grace is sufficient for me, but I am still asking for Your grace to be sufficient for me." He confessed his sin and thanked and praised the Lord, saying, "Your grace is sufficient for me. There is no need for me to pray for anything any longer." He was filled with joy and thanksgiving. There was no need for him to pray any longer. The next day on the platform, he delivered the best sermon of his life. When someone asked him about the source of his power, he answered that it came after his daughter's funeral. From that day on he was different, because he had learned to believe.
The problem today is that we have heard that the Lord Jesus is the Head, yet we still pray for Him to be our Head. Why would we not rather thank and praise Him, saying, "Lord, You are the Head"? If we would do this, the fact would be substantiated immediately.
A brother once said, "Mr. Nee, you have spoken so much, but I have not received anything." I answered that it was because he was merely listening to my speaking; he should instead go to the Lord and ask Him to speak to him. That evening he prayed to God, saying, "God, make me overcome. Lord, make me victorious. Lord, I have a bad temper; help me to overcome." While he was praying, he recalled the prayer of the leper who prayed to the Lord, saying, "If You are willing, You can cleanse me." He prayed accordingly, "Lord, if You are willing, my temper will go away." At that point, he realized that if the Lord was willing, there was nothing more to pray about. The Lord has accomplished everything, and He is willing; everything is done.
Brothers and sisters, all that we have to do is believe 2 Corinthians 12:9 or Luke 18:27. As long as we believe the words "I am willing," everything will be all right. Once we have the "I am willing," problems are behind us and tempers are no more. Even if our wives are dying from sickness, as long as the Lord has said, "I am willing," everything will be all right. This is the meaning of believing. Believing is not asking for something; it is not asking for God to do something that He has already promised to do.
Once a brother was speaking on the subject of overcoming. After his message, he invited the brothers and sisters to ask any questions that they might have. He noticed that a young sister was weeping in her seat but would not stand up to ask anything. Another older lady stood up and asked, "For the past few years, I have been praying for victory but have never experienced it. What is wrong?" The brother answered, "Nothing. You have prayed too much. If you change your prayer into praise, everything will be well." After this, another man stood up and said, "I have been seeking victory for eleven years but have not overcome. That lady's question and your answer enlightened me, and now I have it." The brother then walked over to the side of the young sister and asked how she was doing. The girl answered that she also became clear after hearing the question and the answer. This is the meaning of faith.
Brothers and sisters, please remember that letting go is not all. If you do not have faith, you will not substantiate the facts. The color of a painting can be substantiated only by the eyes, the sound of an organ can be substantiated only by the ears, and the texture of an object can be substantiated only by the hands. In the same way, God's Word and His promises can be substantiated only by faith. We do not have to hesitantly pray to God, saying, "Lord, be my victory, be my life, and be my sanctification." Rather, we should say to Him, "God, You are my victory. I thank and praise You because You are my life and You are my sanctification. I thank and praise You!"
Brothers and sisters, we encounter temptations all the time. Many difficulties confront us and harsh words fall on our ears. Should we pray for God to give us the strength to overcome? No, we should say, "Lord, I thank and praise You because You are my victory! Lord, You are overcoming for me. I thank and praise You that You are withstanding everything for me. Thank You that You are my Head and I am Your member. You are the vine and I am a branch. You are supplying me everything." He is already supplying us everything according to His word!
When we were saved, we received one word out of the thousands that the Lord spoke. Some people were saved through John 3:16. Others were saved through John 5:24. Still others were saved through Romans 10:10. As long as we have one word from the Lord, we are saved. The same is true with victory; all we need is just one out of His many words. The brother mentioned earlier overcame through just three words: "I am willing." Some overcome through 2 Corinthians 12:9, while others overcome through Romans 6:14. Still others overcome through 1 Corinthians 1:30.
Now we need to ask what faith is not. Faith is not hope. Those who have hope do not necessarily have faith. When you talk to others about overcoming and ask whether they have overcome, you know that they do not have faith if they answer, "I hope I will overcome." This is like talking to someone about salvation. If he tells you that he hopes to be saved, you know that he does not have the faith yet. Some people constantly hope that the Lord will save them, and they constantly hope that the Lord will help them overcome. Some people constantly pray and ask the Lord to make them overcome. Some people constantly wait for the Lord to make them overcome. Some people say that they have surrendered and believed, but they are still waiting to see whether it will work. If they want to wait and see whether this works, it will never work, because faith is not hope.
A brother once asked me whether a person who has overcome should try to constantly remember that the Lord is his victory. He said, "I have over twenty workers working in my factory. I have to supervise them, but I easily forget about things. I am the supervisor over many girls. Every day, from morning until 8:00 in the evening, many things happen to them. How can I always remember that the Lord is my victory? If I cannot remember, am I still victorious?" I asked, "When you are in your factory, do you remember that you have two eyes?" He said, "No." I asked, "When you leave the factory, do you have to touch your eyes with your hands to make sure that they are there?" He said, "Of course not." It does not matter whether he remembered his eyes. The only thing that mattered was whether his eyes were truly there. Thank and praise the Lord, the overcoming life is not a matter of us remembering the Lord, but a matter of the Lord remembering us. It would be great hardship on us if we were required to remember the Lord. Thank and praise the Lord that He remembers us!
Some people are not hoping, praying, or waiting, but they are looking for feelings. A sister said that she has surrendered and believed that the Lord is living in her, but that she dare not say that she has overcome. This is because from the day she received the Lord Jesus as her victory, she never had any feeling about it. Brothers and sisters, believing is having absolute faith in something; feeling does not play any part in this. Feeling has nothing to do with what a picture looks like; it only takes the eyes to see. There may be some occasions when feelings are useful. However, feelings are useless in understanding the things of God. The hand can only touch things and sense their temperature; it cannot see a picture. Spiritual things can only be substantiated by faith; they cannot be substantiated by feelings. We overcome because of the Word of God. God speaks, and it is done. This is not a matter of feeling some kind of strength or experiencing some exuberant sensation for a few days. In order to overcome, there only needs to be one word from the Lord.
This morning, a brother mentioned his problem. He had already surrendered and believed, but he dared not say that he had overcome. Satan was still accusing him. Something happened yesterday which seemed to tell him that he had backslidden. He began to doubt whether his victory was real. I said to him, "Suppose I sold the garden in back of my house to you and wrote a contract for it. If someone else comes and says that the plot of land is his, what will you do?" In such a situation, there are two things that he could do. The first thing would be to believe the contract and believe that everything mentioned in the contract was his. The second would be to believe my word and believe that since my words were true, the other man's words must be false. The question was whose word he would choose to believe. If he chose to believe that man's word, he would have to allow the man to remain on the land. But if he chose to believe my words, he should tell the man to leave, and the man would have to leave immediately. God's promise and His Word are trustworthy. If you say that your temper and pride are real, you make God's Word unreliable. If you do not have faith, your temper and pride will become real. But if you have faith, all these things will be driven away.
God has given us a covenant which says that meekness is ours, patience is ours, and love, temperance, and everything in Christ are ours. But when you lose your temper again, and your pride, uncleanness, and failures come back, what should you do? If you believe God's Word, you should say, "God, I thank and praise You because I can be meek, patient, humble, loving, and temperate. I can be all these because Christ is living in me." As long as you grasp hold of God's Word, the things you fear will go away.
The greatest problem among God's children today is that they cannot believe God's Word. It is not that hard to ask them to let go. Since they have let go, it should be an easy thing for them to believe. Brothers and sisters, please come before the presence of the Lord. After you have let go, you should have the faith that you will get through.
A sister had let go completely and committed everything to the Lord. I asked her whether she had overcome, and she answered that she was not sure. I asked her why, and she said that she had not seen the results yet. I said to her bluntly, "You have committed the greatest sin that man can commit, the sin of unbelief. When you do not believe, it means that you are making God a liar. God has said that you are a branch and that if you let go, the Lord's life will spontaneously flow out of you. However, you are saying that God has not delivered you even though you have let go. You are saying that you have fulfilled your part but God has not fulfilled His part." She denied that this was her intention. Then I told her, "You should say to the Lord, `I thank and praise You because You have given everything to me.'"
Brothers and sisters, please remember that when we believe in the Lord as our Head and our life and believe that we have received everything, everything is indeed ours. Once we believe, all problems are solved. Once we have faith, no obstacle can stop us from victory. Hallelujah! This is salvation. Our believing today is not a work but a substantiation of the facts. We believe that the Lord is the Head, that He lives in us, that He is our life, that He is the vine and we are the branches, and that He is overcoming for us. Once we believe, all the temptations will go away. Once we believe, the Lord will do everything for us. Thank and praise Him that He has done everything!
We have been meeting here for eight or nine days already. I would like to see what is going to happen to all of us. How many of us have let go? How many have not only let go but also believed? First, I would ask those who have let go to raise their hands. Now I would like those who have let go and also believed to raise their hands. There is not much difference between the number of those who raised their hands the first time and the number of those who raised their hands the second time. However, the second time there were a few less hands. Now I will say a little more about the matter of believing.
Brothers and sisters, please remember that God's Word is trustworthy. We are not trusting our own experience. We are not believing our own feelings. We are believing God's Word. God says that the Lord Jesus has not only become our righteousness on the cross, but that Christ has become our sanctification through living within us. Therefore, we can say that Christ is not only our righteousness but also our sanctification. We do not have to feel that Christ is our life, and we do not have to feel that Christ is our sanctification. We believe that He is our life and that He is our sanctification. God's Word is reliable. When God says that Christ is our life, we also say that He is our life. When God says that Christ is our sanctification, we also say that He is our sanctification. When God says that Christ is our victory, we also say that He is our victory. Whatever God says, we believe.
In Chefoo I asked a sister whether or not she had let go, and she answered, "Yes, because God says that I am crucified with Christ." Next I asked her whether she had overcome, and she dared not say whether she had, because she was not sure. I told her frankly, "Sister, God says that Jesus Christ is your life, but you are saying that Jesus Christ may not be your life. God says that Jesus Christ is your sanctification, but you are saying that Jesus Christ may not be your sanctification. God says that His grace is sufficient for you, but you are saying that His grace may not be sufficient for you. Between you and God, one must be lying. Either God is wrong or you are wrong. Do you dare say that God is a liar? God says that Christ is your life, but you are saying that Christ may not be your life. God says that Christ is your sanctification, but you are saying that Christ may not be your sanctification. Are you not saying that God's Word is untrustworthy?" By then, her expression had changed, and she replied immediately, "I do not mean that. I do believe God's Word." Brothers and sisters, if you are still doubting, and if you still wonder whether Christ is your life and whether He is your sanctification, this is not a small thing. I can tell you bluntly that you are making God a liar!
I once talked briefly to a sister in Chefoo before a meeting. Because the time of the meeting was approaching, I asked her quickly whether she had let go. She told me that she had. I then asked whether she had overcome, and she said that she had not but that she knew what her problem was and that it was not a big problem. I realized that I had to go in a few minutes, and I prayed for God to give me the wisdom to say something to her. I said, "You smiled and said casually that you do not have faith. But in God's sight, this is a great sin. It is a great sin to not believe God's Word. God says that Christ is your life and that He is your sanctification. He says that Christ is your victory and that His grace is sufficient for you. But you cannot believe, and you even think lightly of it and brush it away with a smile. Sister, I must tell you that you have committed a great sin! You have to go to the Lord and say, `God, I have not believed Your Word; I have sinned against You. Please forgive me, and remove my evil heart of unbelief. Please remove this sin from me.'"
Some do not believe, but they are still smiling. They think that unbelief is not a great thing. Actually, this is a great sin. This sin is more serious than the sin of adultery or murder. We have to say to God, "Forgive me, for I have sinned against You. Lord, remove my evil heart of unbelief." If we call this unbelief a sin, we will get through. Our faith is based on God's Word. How wonderful is 2 Corinthians 12:9, which says, "My grace is sufficient for you"! How wonderful is 1 Corinthians 1:30, which says, "Christ Jesus...became wisdom to us from God: both righteousness and sanctification and redemption"! How wonderful is Colossians 3:4, which says, "Christ [is] our life"! If we grasp hold of God's Word and believe His Word, all will be well. Even if we have only one verse of the Scripture or one word from the Lord, we will have the assurance, and we will overcome.
Source: Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 2) Vol. 24: The Overcoming Life, by Watchman Nee
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